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Custom Formating a DateTimePicker using CultureInfo

I am using the DateTimePicker control in a Vb.Net Windows project.

I would like the date to reflect the Regional Settings on the user s computer, but also to show the month name, rather than the month number.

For example, if my computer is set to English(US), I would like to see Nov 26 2009, and if my computer is set to English (NZ), I would like to see 26 Nov 2009

Is this possible?

I know that I can set the CustomFormat property to say "dd MMM yyyy", but then that always shows 26 Nov 2009, even with the regional setting of English(US).

Is there someway I can use the CultureInfo.CurrentCulture to set the date for all cultures? (i.e. not just a select case statement that sets the CustomFormat based on the CurrentCulture).



Saw this new article on CodeProject that may help:

Culture Aware Month Calendar and Datepicker

Note that control is in C#, but of course you can use the DLL in your VB project.

It looks like what you need though I haven t tried it.

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