English 中文(简体)
原标题:Get result of executed method in Command Pattern

目前,Im试图实施Transaction 字典模式(实际上,Martin Fowler 。 通过在简单的测试项目中使用Command Format,一切只是工作罚款,问题在于我不知道如何在从ICommand界面继承的具体类别中执行特定方法时取得结果。

Let s show you some code to clarify what functionality I have. I ve a simple CalculateSalaryCommand class which inherited from ICommand interface

public class CalculateSalaryCommand : ICommand
    private readonly CalculateSalaryTS _salaryTs;
    private readonly int _hour;
    private readonly int _salaryPerHour;

    public CalculateSalaryCommand(CalculateSalaryTS salaryTs, int hour, int salaryPerHour)
        _salaryTs = salaryTs;
        _hour = hour;
        _salaryPerHour = salaryPerHour;

    public void Execute()
        _salaryTs.CalculateSalary(_hour, _salaryPerHour);

and a simple Transaction Script class named CalculateSalaryTS

public class CalculateSalaryTS {
    public void CalculateSalary(int _hour, int _salaryPerHour) {
        Result = _hour * _salaryPerHour;

as you can see I pass the instance of to concrete command class, then inside the Execute method I execute a operations from that instance. Well, everything just look good. but there is a problem I can t return the result of executed method which is should be a integer. To handle this problem, I decided to add some code to Transaction Script layer which each transaction should inherit from a generic ITransactionResult interface, which is look like following:

public interface ITransactionResult<TResult>
    TResult Result { get; set; }


public class CalculateSalaryTS : ITransactionResult<Int32> {

    public void CalculateSalary(int _hour, int _salaryPerHour) {
        Result = _hour * _salaryPerHour;

    public int Result { get; set; }



    var script = new CalculateSalaryTS();
    var command = new CalculateSalaryCommand(script, 10, 20);           
    Console.WriteLine("Salary is {0}", script.Result);





public interface ICommandWithResult<T> : ICommand
  T Result { get; }

public class CalculateSalaryCommand : ICommandWithResult<int>
  public int Result { get; private set; }

  // ...

  public void Execute()
    _salaryTs.CalculateSalary(_hour, _salaryPerHour);
    this.Result = _salaryTs.Result;

// Usage:

var command = new CalculateSalaryCommand(new CalculateSalaryTS(), 10, 20);
Console.WriteLine("Salary is {0}", command.Result);



    interface ICommand<TResult>
       TResult Execute();

public class CalculateSalaryCommand : ICommand<int>
    private readonly CalculateSalaryTS _salaryTs;
    private readonly int _hour;
    private readonly int _salaryPerHour;

    public CalculateSalaryCommand(CalculateSalaryTS salaryTs, int hour, int salaryPerHour)
        _salaryTs = salaryTs;
        _hour = hour;
        _salaryPerHour = salaryPerHour;

    public int Execute()
        return _salaryTs.CalculateSalary(_hour, _salaryPerHour);

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