我有一份以下列格式显示成员姓名的报告:先令,先令,先是中,最后是uff。 报告准则认为了这一点:[姓名_prefix][名称_first][名称_middle][名称_last][名称_suffix]
每一外地条目在成员中名时,都有一间空间,而且当中间名称为Null时,在第一个和最后一个名字之间有两个空间。 我试图以这样的表述解决问题:
=IIF(IsNothing(Fields!name_middle.Value),"",Fields!name_middle.Value & " ")
我也调整了间隔,以便看上去:在中名和最后名词之间没有空间的[名号][名号]。 我希望,如果有一个中间名称,在名字之间和中间名称无效时,只有一到最后一个空间。 当有中间名称时,该名称是正确的,但如果中间名称是Null,则还有额外空间。 因此,我尝试了另一种方法,在认为如此的领域之间没有空间:
=IIF(IsNothing(Fields!name_middle.Value)," "," " & Fields!name_middle.Value & " ")
Again same issue, works fine where there is a middle name but two spaces when there is not. I have considered concatenating the entire member name but I think I will have the same result. The same report done with Crystal Reports uses the first method and it works without issue. Thank you in advance.