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Reporting services only displaying the last row

I have built a report pretty basic just a table wiht 45 rows of data. Problem is its only showing one row of data and its the last row. It displays just fine in the dataset and proc. any suggestiosn?

The table is in the body of the report.


probably you have put the fields in the header of the report
build your first report with the report creation wizard and after change it the way you want it


make sure the fields don t have first() or last() in them.

or you can just try create a table in the detail part (not header nor footer) of your report and drag some fields from the datasource explorer into the table, after click the preview tab and you will some a table with some records. good luck

You could check if there are any filters associated with the dataset. Click on the Edit DataSet button and check the Filters tab.

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