I m在大型伙伴关系工作。 NET MVC站点,一家商业服务公司向客户出售。 我们主要向小型和大型机构出售,这样它不会缩小规模。 这些大客户将要求我们作出定制,其中多数比包括定制布局以适应其网站。
我们目前的思路是,即便是跨国激进党以非常简单的控制者来得出自然结论,他们只称之为其他法典(如建议的那样),但这种看法将是一个棘手的问题,因为它们不会很好地掌握这种肥胖症,无论如何,在我们使用时,我们不会与拉汉尔人一样。 它很难将其分类,并说“对于这一客户来说,做的是额外的”;特别是,它很难为同一建筑服务略微不同的超文本。
We can t figure out making either of multi-tenancy and single-tenancy work cleanly, and we don t wish to fork the codebase, even if the customizations for one or more customers are thorough. (To the extent possible, we want to keep the database structure isomorphic across all our customers, which I guess is the way we would do it for multi-tenancy, but every tenant will have to be their own IIS web site because of scale and isolation.) Even if we came up with a way of overlaying a layer of custom views, that would allow for the opportunity of slight logic mismatches within the views.
What s the current state of the art of doing this? What are the war stories? (This could be subjective, but it s mostly objective in that if there s a pattern or an approach that completely cuts this down to its essence, of course that s the right answer. And I think it s an interesting question.)
I am happy to provide more detail.