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原标题:C APIs to re-order XML elements?
  • 时间:2012-01-12 05:00:51
  •  标签:
  • c
  • xml


Sample input file will looks like below:

<A> a</A>
    <a1> a1</a1> 

D I am getting the input like above but i want to format the xml like below ( Where i will specify the What is order in which the xml elements should be present in the output in xslt).

<A> a</A>
    <a1> a1</a1> 

Are there any API in C which can do this? or is there any better way of ordering the XML elements.?

thanks, Madhu


The libxml2 library will do this.

http://xmlsoft.org/examples/xpath1.c”rel=“nofollow” Xpath questions to make subsets of their XML data: one for nodes only with some Depende, a second query for nodes only Without same Depende, and subsequently persistent on subsets with two or more nodes, until You have a

例如, with Depende result is,让我说,C node in You example。 <<>无>>>>>>>无<>>>>>> 属性结果为:<0> 代码>、< 代码>B 和D。 既然有两套成果,你就可以在<>无>>>><>>>>上查询,以获取<代码>B的结果。 在三次询问结束时,您有三组XML节点:{A, D},{C},和


解决这一问题的明显方式是使用XSLT处理器,例如libxslt。 与此密切相关的图书馆(实际上占一部分)libxml2。 或许最受欢迎的XML处理图书馆。

With an XSLT stylesheet, you have the textbook way of restructuring XML documents available.


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