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VSCode在不工作的lin子里添加 cur
原标题:VSCode add cursor shortcut in linux not working

目前在乌兰巴托22号新安装的Im。 我是来自Pop_OS最新的解体的。 我有两处VSCode短片,这些短片是固定的, c+alt+Up Arrow/DownArrow是固定的。 我利用它们来补充上文/下文的治疗器。 我在前面谈到这个问题,是因为CentOS公司要改变工作空间。 我用<代码>gding进行核对,我也持有同样的问题,因此我使用以下指令去做并改变了捷径:

ggings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.key bindingschange-to-workspace-left "[和lt;Control><Super>Left]

ggings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.key bindingschange-to-workspace-right “[andlt;Control><Super>Right]

之后,Ctrl+alt+[Lft/right]捷径停止了为改变工作空间而工作,预计会改变工作空间,但依然没有解决我的VSCode问题。 因此,我再次用短机检查工作空间的变化情况。

gsettings list-recursively org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings

仍然把改变工作空间的捷径列为最初的捷径。 虽然他们不再工作,但他们还是没有更新。 此外,我最初复制了VSCode主要约束性格动物案卷,因此,我去并试图用手工方式在VSCode中确定附加曲线/减少关键约束性,我得以在VSCode关键约束性快车上进行剪辑和缝.,但打上了和压倒了记。 然而,左边和右边都进行了罚款。 此外,钥匙的上下和下游确实是行之有效的。

Note: I m using an HP Envy x360 laptop


First, I want to apologize for the confusion in my original question. The questions, summarized, was why isn t my VSCode shortcut working after removing Ubuntu keybindings that were using the same modifier keys. It turns out I had missed some keybindings. Here are the steps I used, using gsettings command, on Ubuntu 22.xx.


  • Find where the keybindings are. For me, gsettings list-schemas | grep key listed everything under gsettings with key in it and org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings is the schema that holds my keybindings.


  • Using gsettings list-recursively org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings will list an action and its keybinding/s. Having prior experience with my issue, I grep d for workspace because the workspace shortcuts had been my issue before. However, a good way to start would be to look for the specific keys that are used in the keybinding that s not working for you, i.e. gsettings list-recursively org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings | grep Ctrl><Super will return all the shortcuts with Ctrl+Super being used together.


  • Change the shortcut using: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings <keybinding name> "[ keybinding 1 , keybinding 2 ,...]"


  • Confirm the shortcut was changed using gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings <keybinding name>


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