English 中文(简体)
原标题:android ffmpeg opengl es render movie

我正试图通过国库提供录像,以添加一些刚刚在座标上支持的特征。 我正在使用FFmpeg对录像进行编码,并可以把

下面是我所要做的事情,但是,创造光辉道路的工作进展缓慢。 我愿知道,是否有办法加快这一进展,或显示加快速度,例如试图在背景中设置一些案文,并作出预选。 或者是否有其他途径更快地利用视频框架对roid进行筛选? 目前,我只能得到大约12点。

glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureConverted);

//this is slow
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, /* target */
0, /* level */
GL_RGBA, /* internal format */
textureWidth, /* width */
textureHeight, /* height */
0, /* border */
GL_RGBA, /* format */

glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, texCoords);
glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, vertices);
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, 6, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, indices);

EDIT I changed my code to initialize a gltextImage2D only once, and modify it with glSubTexImage2D, it didn t make much of an improvement to the framerate.

I then modified the code to modify a native Bitmap object on the NDK. With this approach I have a background thread that runs that process the next frames and populates the bitmap object on the native side. I think this has potential, but I need to get the speed increased of converting the AVFrame object from FFmpeg into a native bitmap. Below is currently what I am using to convert, a brute force approach. Is there any way to increase the speed of this or optimize this conversion?

static void fill_bitmap(AndroidBitmapInfo*  info, void *pixels, AVFrame *pFrame)
uint8_t *frameLine;

int  yy;
for (yy = 0; yy < info->height; yy++) {
    uint8_t*  line = (uint8_t*)pixels;
    frameLine = (uint8_t *)pFrame->data[0] + (yy * pFrame->linesize[0]);

    int xx;
    for (xx = 0; xx < info->width; xx++) {
        int out_offset = xx * 4;
        int in_offset = xx * 3;

        line[out_offset] = frameLine[in_offset];
        line[out_offset+1] = frameLine[in_offset+1];
        line[out_offset+2] = frameLine[in_offset+2];
        line[out_offset+3] = 0;
    pixels = (char*)pixels + info->stride;


static void fill_bitmap(AndroidBitmapInfo*  info, void *pixels, AVFrame *pFrame)
uint8_t *frameLine;

int  yy;
for (yy = 0; yy < info->height; yy++)
    uint8_t*  line = (uint8_t*)pixels;
    frameLine = (uint8_t *)pFrame->data[0] + (yy * pFrame->linesize[0]);

    int xx;
    for (xx = 0; xx < info->width; xx++) {
        int out_offset = xx * 4;
        int in_offset = xx * 3;

        line[out_offset] = frameLine[in_offset];
        line[out_offset+1] = frameLine[in_offset+1];
        line[out_offset+2] = frameLine[in_offset+2];
        line[out_offset+3] = 0;
    pixels = (char*)pixels + info->stride;


static void fill_bitmap(AndroidBitmapInfo*  info, void *pixels, AVFrame *pFrame)
uint8_t *frameLine = (uint8_t *)pFrame->data[0];

int  yy;
for (yy = 0; yy < info->height; yy++)
    uint8_t*  line = (uint8_t*)pixels;

    int xx;

    int out_offset = 0;
    int in_offset = 0;

    for (xx = 0; xx < info->width; xx++) {
        int out_offset += 4;
        int in_offset += 3;

        line[out_offset] = frameLine[in_offset];
        line[out_offset+1] = frameLine[in_offset+1];
        line[out_offset+2] = frameLine[in_offset+2];
        line[out_offset+3] = 0;
    pixels = (char*)pixels + info->stride;

    frameLine += pFrame->linesize[0];



AVPicture *pFrameConverted;
struct SwsContext img_convert_ctx;

void init(){
    pFrameConverted=(AVPicture *)avcodec_alloc_frame();
    avpicture_alloc(pFrameConverted, AV_PIX_FMT_RGB565, videoWidth, videoHeight);
    img_convert_ctx = sws_getCachedContext(&img_convert_ctx, 
                    NULL, NULL, NULL );

void render(AVFrame* pFrame){
    sws_scale(img_convert_ctx, (uint8_t const * const *)pFrame->data, pFrame->linesize, 0, pFrame->height, pFrameConverted->data, pFrameConverted->lineSize);
    glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, videoWidth, videoHeight, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pFrameConverted->data[0]);
    glDrawTexiOES(0, 0, 0, videoWidth, videoHeight);

Oh,maybe you can use jnigraphics as https://github.com/havlenapetr/FFMpeg/commits/debug. but if when you get yuv data after decode frame,you should convert it to RGB555,it is too slowly.Use android s mediaplayer is a good idea

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