English 中文(简体)
原标题:Giving a dependent drop-down list option a value to create a function
  • 时间:2012-01-12 12:44:32
  •  标签:
  • javascript



不要确定如何从受扶养的下级文字中收回价值,从而可以形成一个阵列,将选定的价值与价格挂钩。 我的描述......

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

function dropdownlist(listindex)
    document.flightform.pitch.options.length = 0;
    switch (listindex)
        case "Economy":
            document.flightform.pitch.options[0]=new Option("28","28");
            document.flightform.pitch.options[1]=new Option("29","29");
        case "Biz":
            document.flightform.pitch.options[0]=new Option("30","");
            document.flightform.pitch.options[1]=new Option("32","");
        case "First":
            document.flightform.pitch.options[0]=new Option("40","");
    return true;
var Seat_pitch= new Array ();

Seat_pitch["28"] = 400;

function getSeatpitch()
    var Seatpitch=0;
    var theForm = document.forms["flightform"];
    var selectedpitch = theForm.elements["pitch"];

    Seatpitch = Seat_pitch[selectedpitch.value];

    return Seatpitch;

function calcTotal()
    var Total = getSeatpitch()  ;

    //display the result
    var divobj = document.getElementById( totalPrice );
    divobj.style.display= block ;
    divobj.innerHTML = "Your flight Total is &pound;"+Total;


    <label>Class type</label><br />
    <select id="class"  name= class  onchange="javascript: dropdownlist(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);">

        <option value="Economy">Economy</option>
        <option value="Biz">Business</option>
        <option value="First">First</option>
    <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
        document.write( <select name="pitch" id="pitch"></select> )
    <div id="totalPrice"></div>


你没有在你本人的“飞行”形式,但你在你的 j中再次提到这一点。


<form name="flightform">

You should then be able to get the price by calling the getSeatpitch function.


You could just call it in the onchange event of the <select name="pitch">, like

<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
    document.write( <select name="pitch" id="pitch" onchange="calcTotal();"></select> )

See it in this fiddle

I don t understand why is this <select> being written by means of document.write, though.

页: 1 活动听众,这样,在改变这一类别(因此是itch)时,总会更新。 另请打电话dropdownlist()和calcTotal(>),请上页时间(例如,有<上载人=“calcTotal()”>),因为你将先选择第一个数值。


另外,关于如何从<条码>和代号;中获取价值这一原始问题,你只能使用<条码>价值的<<<>> >条码/条码>,而不是<条码> 权标[部分]。

<><>>>>>> 我立即更新了提供空白选择的金字塔,并在没有选择适当选择的情况下,清除显示总数。

你们是否想利用 j框架? 有许多有益的东西,因此,你不需要自行自行自行车。 例如,可以改写成:

        <!-- Connect jQuery from Google library storage -->
        <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <!-- Create select for class, with id #class -->
        <select id="class" name="class">
            <option value="0">Econom</option>
            <option value="1">Business</option>
            <option value="2">First</option>
        <!-- Create select for place, with id #place -->
        <select id="place" name="place" disabled="disabled"></select>
        <!-- Create view place for price, with id #price -->
        <span id="price"></span>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            // available places to choose 
            var available = {
                0:      {
                    25: 50
                1:      {
                    26: 100
                2:      {
                    21: 200,

            // When the document is totally loaded, do that things that s defined in function(e) {}
                // Bind trigger for class select changing, where $( select#class ) - find element that in DOM select inputs and has id="class"
                // When it change, call function(e) {}, inside this function $(this) will be the select itself
                $( select#class ).live( change , function(e){
                    // find place select input
                    var place = $( select#place );
                    // if it s disabled, unblock it, and clean all options inside
                    place.removeAttr( disabled ).find( option ).remove();
                    // foreach places in available create option and put it into place select
                    for (var i in available[$(this).val()]) {
                        place.append($( <option /> ).val(i).html(i));
                    // behave like place select have changed, and trigger listener above

                $( select#place ).live( change , function(e){
                    $( span#price ).html(available[$( select#class ).val()][$(this).val()]);

Totally working example. Somehow like that... Strongly recommend you not to use raw JavaScript.

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