English 中文(简体)
原标题:How can I merge a git branch so that topic commits are orphaned?
  • 时间:2012-01-13 09:30:22
  •  标签:
  • git



[master] - - - - - - - C - - -
   [feature] - A - - B - - D -



$ git rebase master # on feature branch
$ git co master
$ git merge --no-ff feature


$ git gc --prune=now --aggressive

这在历史上仍然留下了A和B,而Am I失踪了什么?



如果您的职衔<代码>feature在master 上。 (在你发布<条码>git rebase Master后,本事务科):

git rebase -i master

然后,在编辑开放的档案中,将标题A和B的“条码”改为<条码>。 之后,Gite将把A和B号带入D,编辑将用所有qu承诺的信息播。


If I redraw your diagrams to place the branch markers at the tip of the branch (which reflects the actual representation of branches) your original situation is:

o --- C (master)
   --- A --- B --- D (feature)

在与<代码>-无-ff合并后 如你所描述,你现在有:

o --- C ------------------ M (master)
         A  --- B  --- D  (feature)
    --- A --- B --- D

根据我的理解,现在请确保<代码>A,BD从您的存放处消失。 首先,我要说,我强烈建议你不要担心这些承诺。

However, if you really want to get rid of them, then you will have to make sure that they are truly unreachable, or git gc --prune=now --aggressive will not remove them. As it is, they will still be pointed to (at least) by the reflog for feature. There are various ways of expiring entries from the reflog, e.g. with:

git reflog expire --expire=now feature

... or a safer option should be to set the config variable gc.reflogexpireunreachable to now and expire the reflog:

git config gc.reflogexpireunreachable
git reflog expire feature

在这两种情况下,你需要再操作<代码>git gcprune=now——aggressive

However, to reiterate what I said above, I wouldn t do this - those commits aren t hurting anyone and the reflog is a valuable safety net when using git.


git merge --squash feature
git commit

although IMHO being able to keep the individual commits on the branch intact is actually a good feature most of the time.

或者,您可使用“git rebase-i,将其全部承诺汇总起来,然后将qu结果合并为主。

Why would it remove A and B?

<代码>git rebase Master将使主人排在下,如果主人承诺的话,从特稿中产生的所有承诺将归主。 因此,请见A和B(实际为A和B)

And git gc doesn t have anything to do with what you see in the history. It removes dangling commits ( which can be A and B, but you have A and B in master now)

If you want them to come as single commit, try the --no-commit option or look at other alternatives like git rebase -i ( and squash)

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