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A. 试图利用实体框架更新实体的错误 4
原标题:Error when trying to update entity using Entity Framework 4


public ActionResult Edit(Movie movie)
        return RedirectToAction("Index"); 
         return View();


<编码> 标语中找不到与所提供物体的关键相匹配的物体。 证明所供应物体的关键价值与必须加以修改的物体的关键价值相符。


  • I did not get the error the first time I did an update, only subsequent updates.
  • Movies1 is the the name of the EntitySet when I view the edmx designer. Is this what it shold be or should it be the name of the table (Movie)?
  • I have seen things regarding Attach, but I am confused as to what exactly that is.

要求使用现值的实体应当出现在<代码>中。 ObjectStateManager。 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/d487246.aspx” rel=“nofollow” ApplyCurrentValues

Copies the scalar values from the supplied object into the object in the ObjectContext that has the same key.


    _db.ObjectStateManager.ChangeState(movie, EntityState.Modified);


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