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原标题:Get Children as string with xmlreader and C#

I am parsing an xml string using xmlreader in c#, but as i parse i need sometimes to get the full content of a node including children with tags and still be able to continue parsing.


example XML:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
    <parse1> //finding this will get full inner or outter xml - either one - my issue
         <parse2 /> // even getting the children above might still need parse chldren
         <negligeable /> // not all children interest me
   <parse3>some text</parse3> // not all children of main are the same but all need be parsed


i 现在可以把2和3同起来,忽视不需要什么,但如果在发现标签时使用“读式”或“读式”法,那么就让我放弃任何其他东西——甚至连帽子都不在。

ReadInnerXML and ReadOutterXML do return the text i need correctly but cause everything else to not be parsed

<>strong>EDIT: as per dasblinkenlight sugestion, some Code:

using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(XmlString)))
    while (reader.Read())
        switch (reader.NodeType)
            case XmlNodeType.Element:
                switch (reader.Name)
                    case "parse1":
                         Console.WriteLine("Contents of Parse 1: {0}", ?function here?);
                    case "parse2":
                         Console.WriteLine("Parse 2 tag exists");
                    case "parse3":
                         Console.WriteLine("Contents of Parse 3: {0}", Reader.ReadElementContentAsString());


Contents of Parse 1: <parse2 /><negligeable />
Parse 2 tag exists
Contents of Parse 3: some text

Am 并试图阅读



Basically readinnerxml is reading all the way to the end and XmlReader is forward only. You might get away with XmlDocument, or another way, would be to create another reader from the same Xml content, read to where you are in the orginal, get your string and bin the copy


使用<代码>XmlDocument 您可以很容易地通过您的xml元素和印刷你想要的东西。


XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();

string parse1_Content = xmlDocument.GetElementsByTagName("parse1")[0].InnerXml;
Console.WriteLine("Contents of Parse 1: " + parse1_Content);

if(xmlDocument.GetElementsByTagName("parse2") > 0)
    Console.WriteLine("Parse 2 exists");

string parse3_Content = xmlDocument.GetElementsByTagName("parse1")[0].InnerText;

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