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原标题:How to track pagination information for multi database connection?


MySQL server instance1 MySQL server instance2

在表一中,有一个单独的表格记录,分门别类。 我必须从每个方面检索数据,并显示在盖里的数据。

Here are the consideration to be made: 1) From each database instance only 1000 records needs to be got. 2) Merge these 1000 records and sort in ascending order by a default column. 3) Again from the merged records get only 1000 records to be shown in a Grid. 4) For the next 1000 records we should not show any of the earlier records which have been shown.


I thought about doing it this way: 1) Get the rowid for each record from all the connection. But from two instances the rowid would be same then how would I identify which record is from which database? 2) Check for rowid and primary key combination. But if the client sets the primary key s auto-increment value as same on all the instance then we would not get a unique combination.



[SOLVED IT] Solved the problem by writing a small function which calculates and create a map for the number of records to be fetched from each connection for each iteration.



You usually uniquely identify a row with a POJO class where you override your hashCode() and equals() methods basing on your class fields. You can put your last row into a HashMap and check against it. A rownumber retrieved from the tables can be achieved by creating one using RANK() and PARTITION BY. Create a temporary or tmp_ table with your merging results then drop it.


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