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WPF , MVVM , MasterDetail 页 次
原标题:WPF , MVVM , MasterDetailPage
  • 时间:2012-01-15 18:12:45
  •  标签:
  • c#
  • wpf
  • mvvm

I got a MasterPageuserControl, 其中载有3个用户控制(和3个浏览器)。

 -> MenuView (-> MenuViewModel )
 -> InfoView (-> InfoViewModel )
 -> SliderView (-> SliderViewModel )

In slider view i got a list Box with SelectedItem Propertyed to a SelectedItem Property in the view model (SliderViewModel)



另一个小问题是,还是应该为总意见页树立一个看法吗? 虽然这并不包含把3个用户控制起来的任何偏差。




页: 1 MasterViewModel,揭开主人的财产 在其他观点模式之间交流的观点。 和

class MasterViewModel

    public CommunicationProperty 
       InforViewModel.SomeProperty = value;

class SliderViewModel
    pubic SliderViewModel(MasterViewModel masterViewModel)
        //hold reference of master view model in a variable  

    public SelectedItem
            // change the info view model via master view model
            masterViewModel.CommunicationProperty = value;


  1. You may declare SelectedItem as dependency property in your view model class (if it is inherited from DependencyObject)
  2. You may declare SelectedItem as regular property and make your view model class to implement INotifyPropertyChanged interface and fire PropertyChanged event in setter.


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