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防止从睡觉到寄生。 收到的捐款
原标题:Prevent Thread From Sleeping When Calling Socket.Receive

I m working on a low latency financial application that receives tcp data over sockets.
This is how I m making a socket connection and receiving bytes:

public class IncomingData
  Socket _Socket;
  byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];

  public static void Connect(IPEndPoint endPoint)
    _Socket = new Socket(


  public static void ReadSocket(int ReadQty)
    _Socket.Receive(buffer, 0, ReadQty, SocketFlags.None); 

我听说,当你打电话Receive()时,电话线索要睡觉,收到数据时,便醒。 我愿全力以赴(利用万国邮联的能力)。

是否有办法用一个简便的袖珍材料来做到这一点? 如果唯一的方式是罗列拉库,你能否树立榜样?



查阅<代码> BeginX/EndX 表格类别方法。 这些方法同步进行(并不阻碍目前的胎面)。 他们接受反馈方法作为其参数之一,在作业完成时将采用这种方法(在这种情况下,将收到数据)。 这基本上与事件相同。

public class IncomingData
    Socket _Socket;
    byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];

    public static void Connect(IPEndPoint endPoint)
        _Socket = new Socket(



    public static void ReadSocket(int ReadQty)
         // Wait for some data to be received. When data is received,
         // ReceiveCallback will be called.
         _Socket.BeginReceive(buffer, 0, ReadQty, SocketFlags.None, ReceiveCallback, null);

    private static void ReceiveCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
        int bytesTransferred = _Socket.EndReceive(asyncResult);

        // ...
        // process the data
        // ...


// will spin here until poll returns true
while(!socket.Poll(0, SelectMode.SelectRead));

也许会通过核对networkComms.net,把数据发送到网络上。 http://bitbucket.org/MarcF/networkcomms.net/src/952f51c14671/ExamplesConsole/BasicSend.cs”rel=“nofollow”here,希望不会过于复杂! 你可能遇到的大多数问题已经得到解决,可能节省一些时间。

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