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原标题:Nesting "for" loop within a "try" operator



In the example, "sample.txt" is any multi-line text file that is read and parsed.

    file=open( sample.txt , r )
    for line in file:
          (some action here)
    print "Couldn t open file"


WAD or is this a bug?


如果“<>条码>除外的代码运行,是因为提出了例外。 你掩盖了例外情况,使人难以知道什么是错的。

你的错误信息表明,你正在试图将档案中产生的错误固定下来。 但是,由于您的<代码>try的栏目围绕整个档案处理,处理过程中提出的例外情况,而不是公开的档案,将被误报为“不应公开档案”。 如果你真的必须处理这一例外情况,那么你就必须将<>条码>移至<>条码>之后。

Personally I d be inclined to simply ignore the exception and let the default handling of the exception halt execution:

with open( sample.txt , r ) as file:
    for line in file:
        (some action here)

如果你必须处理例外情形,那么就会发现你处理的特殊类别。 例如,仅处理<代码>IOError。 既然如此,如果出现故障,就会提出<条码>开放<>。

    with open( sample.txt , r ) as file:
        for line in file:
            (some action here)
except IOError:
    except IOError as (errno, strerror):
        print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)

然后,它没有在<代码>开放<>/代码>线上失效。 什么是例外?

    file=open( sample.txt , r )
    for line in file:
          (some action here)
    print "Exception:"
    import traceback; traceback.print_exc()


That bare except catches all exceptions, including ones in the (some action here) part. Restructure that as:

    inputfile = open( sample.txt ,  r )
    print "Couldn t open file"
    for line in inputfile: pass


with open( sample.txt ,  r ) as inputfile:
    for line in inputfile: pass

总的来说,在<条码>栏>内只列出最低限度的代码。 block,以便你不再偶然处理例外,否则你真的不愿意处理。

your code risks raising another assertion trying to close file if for some reason the open() call fails. This is because the file variable won t be set if open() raises an exception, and so your call further down will reference a variable that doesn t exist.


with open( sample.txt ,  r ) as file:
        for line in file:
            (some action)
        print "Exception"
        import traceback; traceback.print_exc()


利用阅读线制作档案中所有内容的清单。 并且,你也无意在不至少印刷错误代码的情况下追捕一般错误。

    file=open( sample.txt , r )
    for line in file.readlines():
          (some action here)
except Exception, e:
    print str(e)

The actions I observe are that "sample.txt" is opened and the first line handled, the logic then falls through to the "except" clause.

是的,情况就是这样。 但只要档案存在,这只是

As for the error falling through to the except clause (assuming the file exists), that implies that there is an issue with the parsing logic you ve implemented. We can t be sure what it is since the except catches everything, and unless it s re-raised (may as well not catch it then...), or you print the stack trace from the exception object, you can t tell what is going wrong or where. In general, this is why catching everything is frowned upon; it makes debugging unnecessarily difficult.

我还注意到,你正在最后结案。 这可能是另一个错误来源,因为该档案只在<条码>范围内存在。 你有两种选择:

  1. Include file.close() inside of your try block so the file is properly closed after you re done, or
  2. Use the with statement as a context manager to automatically close the file when you re done. @David Heffernan s example is one that s similar to one I would write.

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