English 中文(简体)
如何确定某一形象是否部分腐败? C#
原标题:How do determine if an image is partially corrupt? C#

我的印象是 raw。 我利用以下文字来确定图像是否腐败。

public bool IsValidGDIPlusImage(byte[] imageData)
        using (var ms = new MemoryStream(imageData))
            using (var bmp = new Bitmap(ms))
        return true;
    catch (Exception ex)
        return false;

如果图象完全腐败,那么上述法典会起到什么作用,但如果我有某种部分腐败的形象? 与下文的联合项目




enter image description here Any guidance is highly appreciated. Thanks



简单化的方法是检查起步和末端 marks是否像这样完整:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;
using System.Drawing;

namespace Rextester
    public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            try {

                var imgBytes = Helper.DownloadImageAsBytes("https://i.stack.imgur.com/KQI1j.jpg");
                //valid GDI+? Example true!
                //Complete? Example false
                ImageFile imgFile = new ImageFile(imgBytes);

            catch(Exception ex)

        public static bool IsValidGDIPlusImage(byte[] imageData)
                using (var ms = new MemoryStream(imageData))
                    using (var bmp = new Bitmap(ms))
                return true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return false;

public class Helper {
    public static byte[] DownloadImageAsBytes(String url) {
        using (var webClient = new WebClient()) { 
            return webClient.DownloadData(url);

public class ImageFile {

    private Types  _eFileType   = Types.FileNotFound;
    private bool   _blComplete  = false             ;
    public bool Complete
        get { return _blComplete; }
    private int    _iEndingNull = 0                 ;

    private readonly byte[] _abTagPNG  = { 137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10  };
    private readonly byte[] _abTagJPG  = { 255, 216, 255                    };
    private readonly byte[] _abTagGIFa = { 71, 73, 70, 56, 55, 97           };
    private readonly byte[] _abTagGIFb = { 71, 73, 70, 56, 57, 97           };
    private readonly byte[] _abEndPNG  = { 73, 69, 78, 68, 174, 66, 96, 130 };
    private readonly byte[] _abEndJPGa = { 255, 217, 255, 255               };
    private readonly byte[] _abEndJPGb = { 255, 217                         };
    private readonly byte[] _abEndGIF  = { 0, 59                            };

    public enum Types { FileNotFound, FileEmpty, FileNull, FileTooLarge, FileUnrecognized, PNG, JPG, GIFa, GIFb }

    public ImageFile(byte[] abtTmp) {

        _eFileType = Types.FileUnrecognized; // default if found

        //byte[] abtTmp = File.ReadAllBytes(_sFilename);
        // check the length of actual data
        int iLength = abtTmp.Length;
        if(abtTmp[abtTmp.Length - 1] == 0) {
            for(int i = (abtTmp.Length - 1); i > -1; i--) {
                if(abtTmp[i] != 0) {
                    iLength = i;
        // check that there is actual data
        if(iLength == 0) {
            _eFileType = Types.FileNull;
        } else {
            _iEndingNull = (abtTmp.Length - iLength);
            // resize the data so we can work with it
            Array.Resize<byte>(ref abtTmp, iLength);
            // get the file type
            if(_StartsWith(abtTmp, _abTagPNG)) {
                _eFileType = Types.PNG;
            } else if(_StartsWith(abtTmp, _abTagJPG)) {
                _eFileType = Types.JPG;
            } else if(_StartsWith(abtTmp, _abTagGIFa)) {
                _eFileType = Types.GIFa;
            } else if(_StartsWith(abtTmp, _abTagGIFb)) {
                _eFileType = Types.GIFb;
            // check the file is complete
            switch(_eFileType) {
                case Types.PNG:
                    _blComplete = _EndsWidth(abtTmp, _abEndPNG);
                case Types.JPG:
                    _blComplete = (_EndsWidth(abtTmp, _abEndJPGa) || _EndsWidth(abtTmp, _abEndJPGb));
                case Types.GIFa:
                case Types.GIFb:
                    _blComplete = _EndsWidth(abtTmp, _abEndGIF);
            // get rid of ending null bytes at caller s option
            //if(_blComplete && cullEndingNullBytes) File.WriteAllBytes(_sFilename, abtTmp);


    public Types  FileType        { get { return _eFileType  ; } }
    public bool   IsComplete      { get { return _blComplete ; } }
    public int    EndingNullBytes { get { return _iEndingNull; } }

    private bool _StartsWith(byte[] data, byte[] search) {
        bool blRet = false;
        if(search.Length <= data.Length) {
            blRet = true;
            for(int i = 0; i < search.Length; i++) {
                if(data[i] != search[i]) {
                    blRet = false;
        return blRet; // RETURN

    private bool _EndsWidth(byte[] data, byte[] search) {
        bool blRet = false;
        if(search.Length <= data.Length) {
            int iStart = (data.Length - search.Length);
            blRet = true;
            for(int i = 0; i < search.Length; i++) {
                if(data[iStart + i] != search[i]) {
                    blRet = false;
        return blRet; // RETURN



You can try some things, but with certain file formats (example: BMP, JPEG to some extent) only a human can ultimately decide if the file is OK or corrupted.

There is open software out for this purpose, recommend to take a look at Bad Peggy (Java). If you are willing to use a bigger library, OpenCV could be useful.


https://www.file-recovery.com/jpg-signature-format.htm https://www.file-recovery.com/jpg-signature-format.htm - 初专制图像总是以最后两部 by子FF D9为终结。 因此,对于联合评价小组的图像,你可以简单地读到最后两条 by子,如果它们不与这些价值观相匹配,那么形象就不完整。 当然,你可能有足够的形象,使其几乎完美无缺,而且这一测试在档案中获得了腐败数据,但作为对不完整档案的快速和 d脏测试,它发挥了作用。

我注意到,从两年前,轮功的解决方案只是这样做的(以及测试FF D9 FF FF,我猜测的是,一些JPEG图像有四幅 by末标记)。


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