原文:How do determine if an image is partially corrupt? C#
I have raw bytes for an image. I use the following to code to determine if the image is corrupt or not public bool IsValidGDIPlusImage(byte[] imageData) { try { using (var ms = new ...
I have raw bytes for an image. I use the following to code to determine if the image is corrupt or not public bool IsValidGDIPlusImage(byte[] imageData) { try { using (var ms = new ...
I have tried to include a partial into a modal something similar to this Rails Admin when you click on "create language". Now as I have not really found out how the code works there, I tried to do a ...
我有多种变量,需要在所有控制人员中加以使用。 在布道上显示最新消息。
我正在使用MVC 3和Razor视图引擎。我想在部分视图中的ViewBag中设置一些值,并在_Layout.cshtml中检索这些值。例如,当您设置默认。。。
我经常表示,我正在测试一系列特性。 我不禁要问,是否有办法对投入的定期表述加以匹配,并确定这种表述是否部分相称。
我有一个惯例认为,我完全可以 screen。 (A piano键盘)