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Java-Using the scanner and adopterra to other methods
原标题:Java-Using the scanner and passing variable to other methods

我正试图建立一个基于案文的计算器。 我有一个主要班级和一个加薪班。 等级是一切都会发生的地方,并将在主要类别中进行。 我的问题是我cal的几类变量。 守则更容易见到。

    import java.util.Scanner;

public class Calc {
        String op;
    public void operation(String opt){
        System.out.println("What operation would you like to perform?");
        Scanner operation = new Scanner(System.in);
        op = opt;
        String op = operation.toString();

    public String getOp(String op){
        return op;


public void calculate(){
        if(op == "Division"+"division"+"/"){
            double value = 1/2;
            System.out.println("Your answer is"+value);
        if(op == "Multiplication"+"multiplication"+"*"){
            double value = 1*2;
            System.out.println("Your answer is"+value);
        if(op == "Addition"+"addition"+"+"){
            double value = 1+2;
            System.out.println("Your answer is"+value);
        if(op == "Subtraction"+"subtraction"+"-"){
            double value = 1/2;
            System.out.println("Your answer is"+value);


我的问题是,我似乎无法确定与扫描仪的同比价值,我不知道我的数字(1和2)的价值是否已经确定。 非常感谢你们。


FWIW,我将使用next。 Int und .toString. 这将确保它用一定数目,然后将其运入贵仓库,以备进行。


I think like βнɛƨн Ǥʋяʋиɢ s suggestion, you should not call the operation() in your Cal class. if it just prompts user and takes input, it should be in main class. As i don t see the error message so i guess one of the problem you can get is you declare your op variable one and initiate another local variable op in your operate() function to catch the user s input. Another thing is shouldn t your Scanner object call the method nextLine() instead of toString() to catch the user s input. I don t have my comp with me so can t post any code but maybe you can try to modify your code first and post some error message to be clearer.

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