English 中文(简体)
原标题:generic interfaces and polymorphism


public abstract class Operand<T>
    public T Value { get; protected set; }

    public bool IsEmpty { get; protected set; }

    public override string ToString()
        return IsEmpty ? Value.ToString() : string.Empty;
public class DoubleOperand : Operand<Double> {}

public interface IOperandFactory<T>
        Operand<T> CreateEmptyOperand();
        Operand<T> CreateOperand(T value);

public class DoubleFactory: IOperandFactory<double>
    public Operand<Double> CreateEmptyOperand()

    public Operand<Double> CreateOperand(double value)

I simlified code to just show the structure. Now I need associationDictionary that will return IOperandFactory for required Type: Something like this:

var factoryDict = 
new Dictionary<Type, IOperandFactory<>>() { { typeof(double), new DoubleFactory() } };



为此,您需要有一种非遗传的界面(通常除了通用接口外),即一种非遗传性的<代码>Operand,其编号为Operand<T> : (也可作为接口)和非遗传性<代码>IOperandFactory Factory<T> :IOperandFactory 。 唯一的其他选择是储存<代码>Dictionary<Type, Object>,必要时配电机。

Here s the non-generic approach:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
public interface IOperand
    object Value { get; }
    bool IsEmpty { get; }
public abstract class Operand<T> : IOperand
    public T Value { get; protected set; }
    object IOperand.Value { get { return Value; } }
    public bool IsEmpty { get; protected set; }
    public override string ToString()
        return IsEmpty ? Value.ToString() : string.Empty;
public class DoubleOperand : Operand<double> { }

public interface IOperandFactory
    IOperand CreateEmptyOperand();
    IOperand CreateOperand(object value);
public interface IOperandFactory<T> : IOperandFactory
    new Operand<T> CreateEmptyOperand();
    Operand<T> CreateOperand(T value);

public class DoubleFactory : IOperandFactory<double>
    public Operand<double> CreateEmptyOperand()
        throw new NotImplementedException();
    IOperand IOperandFactory.CreateEmptyOperand() {
        return CreateEmptyOperand();

    IOperand IOperandFactory.CreateOperand(object value) {
        return CreateOperand((double)value);
    public Operand<double> CreateOperand(double value)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

static class Program
    static void Main()
        var factoryDict = new Dictionary<Type, IOperandFactory> {
          {typeof (double), new DoubleFactory()}

If I understand correctly, you are trying to store a collection of generic types, where the generic type parameters may vary. If this is the case, it is not directly possible, as the following example illustrates:

// You have lists of different types:
List<double> doubleCollection = new List<double>();
List<string> stringCollection = new List<string>();

// Now to store generically:
var collection = new List<List< /* ... Which type parameter to use? ... */ >>();

这里可以明显看出的是,不可能减少哪类参数需要使用。 相反(关于你的榜样),你可能希望这样做:

public interface IOperand

public interface IOperand<T>

public interface IOperandFactory
    IOperand CreateEmptyOperand();
    IOperand CreateOperand(object value);

public interface IOperandFactory<T> : IOperandFactory
    new IOperand<T> CreateEmptyOperand();
    IOperand<T> CreateOperand(T value);

public class DoubleFactory : IOperandFactory<double>
    public IOperand<double> CreateEmptyOperand()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public IOperand<double> CreateOperand(double value)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    IOperand IOperandFactory.CreateEmptyOperand()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public IOperand CreateOperand(object value)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

public class SomeContainer
    public SomeContainer()
        var factoryDict = new Dictionary<Type, IOperandFactory>()
            { typeof(double), (IOperandFactory)new DoubleFactory() }

这可能不是解决办法的最棘手问题,但这将使你能够在同一收藏中储存不同的通用类型。 然而,与此相关的一个问题是,获得这种收集的打电话者需要知道什么类型的东西。 例如:

// ... Inside SomeContainer ...
public IOperandFactory<T> GetFactory<T>()
    return (IOperandFactory<T>)factoryDict[typeof(T)];

因此,你可以找到<代码>。 2. 两用产品:

IOperandFactory<double> doubleFactory = mSomeContainerInstance.GetFactory<double>();
IOperand<double> emptyOperand = doubleFactory.CreateEmptyOperand();
IOperand<double> filledOperand = doubleFactory.CreateOperand(1.0d);

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