English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to initialize struct with its zero values if referenced struct has nil pointers
  • 时间:2023-12-06 13:44:59
  •  标签:
  • go

I don t know if there following if possible. I have:

type A struct {
  Val int


type B struct {
  Val *int


func main() {
  b := B{Val: new(int)}
  *b.Val = 1

  a := A{Val: *b.Val}

What I want to achieve is that the variable a gets initialized with its zero values, hence its Val being 0 in case *b.Val = nil without having to check with an if condition. This is a very simplified version 以及 the reason I am trying to do this is that my B struct has many properties that might or might not be filled by different entities. Such properties make more sense as nil in case they are not filled 以及 I am trying to avoid checking with an if condition for each one of them if they are nil before assigning their non-nil value or the zero value to the properties of A


只要你开始做任何事情,就自动产生有违约价值的变数。 您可以简单地使用下文中任何一个提到的内容:

a := new(A)
a := A{}
var a A


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