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What do you use to write Go [closed]

under $GOROOT/misc there are syntax highlighting files for emacs, vim, xcode and kate. Using any of these editors should do.


Somebody in the #go-nuts irc channel has a Go syntax file for gedit, so I would ask there if you want that.

I personally use what Rob Pike and Russ Cox use: acme. And I know Ken Thompson still uses sam.

Edit: For those interested, I have created a page to collect Go syntax highlighting files for various text editors. If you have any that is not included there let me know and I ll be happy to add it.

Dropping in to post the obligatory vim answer.

I ll see your vim and raise you one emacs.

Someone has released a bundle for TextMate if you re on a Mac. (just search the Go Google Group discussions).

After searching for alternatives, I found this thread. Mr Perez created a syntax file for gtk sourceview, so that editors such as gedit, scribes etc. can have syntax highlighting for Go~

just copy this to /usr/share/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs/

Some info no-one has mentioned yet: The Go distribution comes with a program called gofmt which provides a standardized format for the language. You can run golfed Go through it and get clean output. See this example.

I am always using Emacs so I initially started thinking there would be no Go mode for Emacs and asked this question. Then a minute after I d asked I had the notion to do find . -name "*.el" at the top of the Go source tree and was able to answer my own question. Some other people seem to have found the answer useful.

Notepad++ could probably work with some tweaking of the syntax file for C++.

To see the differences read Go For C++ Programmers

vim or emacs? I haven t played around with Go yet, but those are the only editors I use when programming for myself.

Personally I find the split-window capability of kate to be quite useful in go programming. (Ubuntu 10.4 LTS with the kate syntax highlight file added)


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