English 中文(简体)
原标题:After updating Dart its showing "Configuration (Flutter) is missing in launch.json ."
  • 时间:2021-06-02 08:18:20
  •  标签:
  • flutter
  • dart

我开了诉法典,并说,“Your Dart法典正在更新”版本3. 粗略;但此后,我可以不听我的说法给我留下错误。

Configuration NameOfApp (Flutter) is missing in launch.json .

What should i do


Goto Run in vscode 然后点击添加配置选择。 你们现在可以毫无问题地管理你们。


开放式VS [Code >Run >Add Configuration

最后,你 app! 它必须罚款。

检查午餐时对守则的den缩。 json。

有时,如果你复制/投稿。 json file from another project or sources You may have an extra section thatbreaks vs Code debug process. 至少是我的案件!

我删除了发射。 json, 并再次跑,工作。

I was facing the same issue when I updated my Flutter(v 3.16.2) and Dart(v3.2.2) to the latest just this morning and the issue ended up being the iOS Simulator. All I had to do was manually launch it and select the device I wanted to use and things started working!!

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