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原标题:Valgrind doesn t like my pop() function for a linked list

• Im在使用Ncurs的C类终端天球游戏上工作,我用以下代码把天球作为双倍链接清单:

typedef struct {
    int y; 
    int x;
} coordinates;

bool coordsequal(coordinates c1, coordinates c2);

typedef struct {
    coordinates coords;
    char attire;
} object;

typedef object part;

/* Snake: Doubly Linked list of Parts */
typedef struct dllsnake {
    part part;
    struct dllsnake *prev;
    struct dllsnake *next;
} snake; 


snake *pop(snake *head) {
    if (head == NULL) {
        // List is empty, nothing to pop
        return NULL;

    snake *ptr; // line 84
    for (ptr = head; ptr->next != NULL; ptr = ptr->next); // line 85

    snake *new_tail = ptr->prev; // line 87
    new_tail->next = NULL;

    return new_tail;

This function works as intended in the snake game, deleting the snake s tail when prompted to. However, when I run my snake game with valgrind, valgrind has many complaints about this function, including:

  • Invalid read of size 8 at lines 84, 85, and 87
  • Invalid free() / delete / delete[] / realloc() at line 87
  • Addresses 0x4b52d10, 0x4b52d20, and 0x4b52d28 are 0 bytes inside a block of size 32 free d, line 87


我don不 地知道与这些信息做什么! 首先,我看不出我不准备阅读的记忆。 第二,如果自由声明在后面有两条线,那么为什么要看第87条? 我don不知最后一点。 任何帮助都会受到高度赞赏。

  1. 如果您的双重联系名单有一个点,如果head->prevNUL,则您的方案将载于new_tail->next

  2. <代码>pop(> 通常将最后的节点重新命名,因此,您可能不会免费。

  3. <代码>pop(:它不是错的,而是你头部通过并交还尾的奇怪之处。

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