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模拟培训员关于最终到到期的铁路项目——类型Error: 启动_model_training() 缺失4项要求的立场论点
原标题:Model Trainer Issue on End-to-End ML Project - TypeError: initiate_model_training() missing 4 required positional arguments

我正在跟踪。 克利斯·纳基克的YouTube频道上的 Wine质量预测终端至EndML项目,以实施飞行远预测项目。


    config = ConfigurationManager()
    model_trainer_config = config.get_model_trainer_config()
    model_trainer_config = ModelTrainer(model_trainer_config)
    # model_trainer_config.train()
except Exception as e:
    raise e


TypeError: initiate_model_training() missing 4 required positional arguments:  X_train ,  X_test ,  y_train , and  y_test 


[2023-12-16 21:58:22,484: INFO: common: yaml file: configconfig.yaml loaded successfully]
[2023-12-16 21:58:22,493: INFO: common: yaml file: params.yaml loaded successfully]
[2023-12-16 21:58:22,493: INFO: common: yaml file: schema.yaml loaded successfully]
[2023-12-16 21:58:22,493: INFO: common: created directory at: artifacts]
[2023-12-16 21:58:22,493: INFO: common: created directory at: artifacts/model_trainer]
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[25], line 8
      6     model_trainer_config.initiate_model_training()
      7 except Exception as e:
----> 8     raise e

Cell In[25], line 6
      4     model_trainer_config = ModelTrainer(model_trainer_config)
      5     # model_trainer_config.train()
----> 6     model_trainer_config.initiate_model_training()
      7 except Exception as e:
      8     raise e

TypeError: initiate_model_training() missing 4 required positional arguments:  X_train ,  X_test ,  y_train , and  y_test 


class ModelTrainer:

    def __init__(self, model_trainer_config):
        self.model_trainer_config = model_trainer_config  
    # def __init__(self):
        # self.model_trainer_config = ModelTrainerConfig()    

    def save_obj(file_path, obj):

            dir_path = os.path.dirname(file_path)
            os.makedirs(dir_path, exist_ok=True)

            with open(file_path,  wb ) as file_obj:
                joblib.dump(obj, file_obj, compress= ( gzip ))

        except Exception as e:
            logger.info( Error occured in utils save_obj )
            raise e

    def evaluate_model(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, models):

            report = {}
            for i in range(len(models)):

                model = list(models.values())[i]

                # Train model

                # Predict Testing data
                y_test_pred = model.predict(X_test)

                # Get R2 scores for train and test data
                test_model_score = r2_score(y_test,y_test_pred)

                report[list(models.keys())[i]] =  test_model_score

            return report

        except Exception as e:
            logger.info( Exception occured during model training )
            raise e    

    def initiate_model_training(self, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test):
            logger.info( Splitting  )

             LinearRegression :LinearRegression(),
             Lasso :Lasso(),
             Ridge :Ridge(),
             Elasticnet :ElasticNet(),
             RandomForestRegressor : RandomForestRegressor(),
             GradientBoostRegressor()  : GradientBoostingRegressor(),
            "AdaBoost" : AdaBoostRegressor(),
             DecisionTreeRegressor  : DecisionTreeRegressor(),
            "SupportVectorRegressor" : SVR(),
            "KNN" : KNeighborsRegressor()

            model_report:dict = ModelTrainer.evaluate_model(X_train,y_train, X_test, y_test, models)
            logger.info(f Model Report : {model_report} )

            # to get best model score from dictionary
            best_model_score = max(sorted(model_report.values()))

            best_model_name = list(model_report.keys())[

            best_model = models[best_model_name]

            print(f"Best Model Found, Model Name :{best_model_name}, R2-score: {best_model_score}")
            logger.info(f"Best Model Found, Model name: {best_model_name}, R2-score: {best_model_score}")
            file_path = self.model_trainer_config.trained_model_file_path,
            obj = best_model

        except Exception as e:
            logger.info( Exception occured at model trianing )
            raise e

http://github.com/MdEhsanulHaqueKanan/Flight-Fare-Prediction-End-to-End-ML-project/blob/main/research/04_model_training.ipynb”rel=“nofollow noreferer” 我的档案载于Gite Hub




因此,根据您在《jupyter notebook》中的逻辑,您可能已经修改了 初始_model_training(<>/code>,以类似以下功能:

    def initiate_model_training(self): # removing the required variables to be passed into the function because those variables are created below (assuming they were correctly generated in train() )
        # lines below taken from your commented out train() function
        train_data = pd.read_csv(self.config.train_data_path)
        test_data = pd.read_csv(self.config.test_data_path)

        X_train = train_data.drop([self.config.target_column], axis=1)
        X_test = test_data.drop([self.config.target_column], axis=1)
        y_train = train_data[[self.config.target_column]]
        y_test = test_data[[self.config.target_column]]
        # lines above taken from your commented out train() function

            logger.info( Splitting  )

             LinearRegression :LinearRegression(),
             Lasso :Lasso(),
             Ridge :Ridge(),
             Elasticnet :ElasticNet(),
             RandomForestRegressor : RandomForestRegressor(),
             GradientBoostRegressor()  : GradientBoostingRegressor(),
            "AdaBoost" : AdaBoostRegressor(),
             DecisionTreeRegressor  : DecisionTreeRegressor(),
            "SupportVectorRegressor" : SVR(),
            "KNN" : KNeighborsRegressor()

            model_report:dict = ModelTrainer.evaluate_model(X_train,y_train, X_test, y_test, models)
            logger.info(f Model Report : {model_report} )

            # to get best model score from dictionary
            best_model_score = max(sorted(model_report.values()))

            best_model_name = list(model_report.keys())[

            best_model = models[best_model_name]

            print(f"Best Model Found, Model Name :{best_model_name}, R2-score: {best_model_score}")
            logger.info(f"Best Model Found, Model name: {best_model_name}, R2-score: {best_model_score}")
            file_path = self.model_trainer_config.trained_model_file_path,
            obj = best_model

        except Exception as e:
            logger.info( Exception occured at model trianing )
            raise e

您应研究并了解这些网站:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c7k8i1l2X_r9i4yWAkzxiP1QNu8_wqap/。 在你开始修改法典之前,这些档案(从你下面的辅导处)。

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