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原标题:Using sass with Flask and jinja2

我愿在我的弗拉茨克申请中加入一个编集器。 是否有普遍接受的办法这样做?


推广(使用webassets/ Library)可用于此目的。 http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyScs” rel=“nofollow noreferer”>pyScsSCSS(implemented in-030)编辑:

from flask import Flask, render_template
from flask_assets import Environment, Bundle

app = Flask(__name__)

assets = Environment(app)
assets.url = app.static_url_path
scss = Bundle( foo.scss ,  bar.scss , filters= pyscss , output= all.css )
assets.register( scss_all , scss)


{% assets "scss_all" %}
<link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href="{{ ASSET_URL }}">
{% endassets %}


pyScs只支持SCSS syntax,但还有其他过滤器(sass,scscompass),这些过滤器使用原来的Ruby。


我想到最短的。 这种办法是使用libsass的一条线解决办法。 在您的<代码> 进口 sass之后,简单地将汇编方法与代号关键词联系起来,例如:

sass.compile(dirname=( path/to/sass ,  path/to/css ))


sass.compile(dirname=( path/to/sass ,  path/to/css ), output_style= compressed )




scss = Bundle( foo.scss ,  bar.scss , filters= pyscss , output= all.css )


File "/home/sri/crap/example/flask/lib/python2.7/site-packages/webassets/filter/pyscss.py", line 110, in setup
scss.config.STATIC_ROOT = self.static_root or self.ctx.directory

您必须去除胎体(即pip uninstall scss),并确保安装 p具(即pip stalpyscs)。

2. 又注意到为了让玩具发挥作用,你必须确定一些环境变量:

app = Flask(__name__)

assets     = Environment(app)
assets.url = app.static_url_path
scss       = Bundle( index.scss , filters= pyscss , output= all.css )

assets.config[ SECRET_KEY ] =  secret! 
assets.config[ PYSCSS_LOAD_PATHS ] = assets.load_path
assets.config[ PYSCSS_STATIC_URL ] = assets.url
assets.config[ PYSCSS_STATIC_ROOT ] = assets.directory
assets.config[ PYSCSS_ASSETS_URL ] = assets.url
assets.config[ PYSCSS_ASSETS_ROOT ] = assets.directory

assets.register( scss_all , scss)

see the documentation on the pyscss filter for more info: http://webassets.readthedocs.io/en/latest/builtin_filters.html#pyscss


目前,对这一问题有更好的处理方式,见。 Flask-Scs

You just have to install it: pip install Flask-Scss


from flask import Flask
from flask.ext.scss import Scss

app = Flask(__name__)

By default, the extension will look for your .scss files in {app.root_dir}/assets/scss or {app.root_dir}/assets and will put the generate .css files in {default_static_dir}/css or {default_static_dir}.

Libsass is a good solution for this.

# Your __init__.py file

from flask import Flask
from sassutils.wsgi import SassMiddleware

app = Flask(__name__)

app.wsgi_app = SassMiddleware(app.wsgi_app, {
     myapp : ( static/sass ,  static/css ,  /static/css )
# Your HTML (Jinja) file

<link href="{{ url_for( static , filename= css/style.scss.css ) }}"
      rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

More info: https://sass.github.io/libsass-python/index.html

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