English 中文(简体)
在科特林, 是否有办法界定一般论点,如果它们不延伸普通基类(String/ByteArray)的话,这些论点只能是某些类型?
原标题:In Kotlin, Is there way to define generic arguments which can only be certain types when they don t extend a common base class (String/ByteArray)?


fun f1(String key, value: JsonNullable<ByteArray?>): Modification? {
    return if (value.isPresent) {
        when (val rawValue = value.get()) {
            null -> delete(key)
            else -> bar(field, rawValue)
    } else {


fun f2(String key, value: JsonNullable<String?>): Modification? {
    return if (value.isPresent) {
        when (val rawValue = value.get()) {
            null -> delete(key)
            else -> bar(field, rawValue)
    } else {


bar function is overloaded:

fun bar(field: String, value: JsonNullable<ByteArray?>)...
fun bar(field: String, value: JsonNullable<String?>)...


Upper bounds The most common type of constraint is an upper bound, which corresponds to Java s extends keyword:

因此,除非你只是想成为任何内容。 目标(Bouting an ByteArray确实是扩展目标),需要使用通用物。






Fair Appeal... Java/Scala 发育者很少见科特林,因此,某些 st子可能过于夸大。


sealed class JsonType {
    data class JsonString(val value: String) : JsonType()
    data class JsonByteArray(val value: ByteArray) : JsonType()

data class JsonNullable<T>(val value: T?)

fun f2(key: String, value: JsonNullable<JsonType>?): String? {
    when (val jsonType = value?.value) {
        is JsonType.JsonString -> {
            println("Welp it is String: ${jsonType.value}")
        is JsonType.JsonByteArray -> {
            println("Welp it is Byte: ${String(jsonType.value)}")
        null -> {
            println("JSON is null")
        else -> {
            println("Unknown JSON type")
    return null

 * You can edit, run, and share this code.
 * play.kotlinlang.org
fun main() {
    f2("null", null)
    f2("String", JsonNullable(JsonType.JsonString("String Value")))
    f2("Byte", JsonNullable(JsonType.JsonByteArray("Byte Value".toByteArray())))
    f2("Null JSON", JsonNullable(null))

. Kotlin关于通用s的文件,可在以下类型变量中撰写单一通用功能:

fun <T> f(String key, value: JsonNullable<T>): Modification? {
    return if (value.isPresent) {
        when (val rawValue = value.get()) {
            null -> delete(key)
            else -> bar(field, rawValue)
    } else {

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