Im利用R绘制一些数据,从一个数据库(Stack Exchange数据倾弃,具体如下:
select year(p.CreationDate) year,
avg(p.AnswerCount*1.0) answers_per_question,
sum(iif(ClosedDate is null, 0.0, 100.0))/count(*) close_rate
from Posts p
where PostTypeId = 1
group by year(p.CreationDate)
order by year(p.CreationDate)
The query ,但我在R console发现这一错误:
Error: <SQL> SELECT *
select year(p.CreationDate) year,
avg(p.AnswerCount*1.0) answers_per_question,
sum(iif(ClosedDate is null, 0.0, 100.0))/count(*) close_rate
from Posts p
where PostTypeId = 1
group by year(p.CreationDate)
order by year(p.CreationDate)
) "zzz11"
WHERE (0 = 1)
nanodbc/nanodbc.cpp:1587: 42000: [FreeTDS][SQL Server]Statement(s) could not be prepared.
我认为,“各国无法做好准备”,这意味着服务器与盘点一样,出于某种原因。 不幸的是,它并没有对什么错误表示任何担忧。 在绕过对借方的询问之后,我注意到,根据错误信息,该点被打上了记分。 服务器在链条的一个图书馆构造下,复制和执行全部盘问,给我这个信息更加翔实的错误信息:
Now the solution is obvious: remove (or comment out) the order by
clause. But where is the detailed error message in the R console? I m using Rstudio, should that matter. If I could get the full exception right next to the code I m working on, it would help me fix bug a lot quicker. (And just to be clear, I get cryptic errors from dplyr::tbl often and typically use binary search debugging to fix them.)