English 中文(简体)
原标题:Golang concurrency how to make function to print in an order
  • 时间:2023-12-26 18:18:29
  •  标签:
  • go

I have three functions which prints First, Second and Third. I want to print it in the order First then Second and then Third via concurrency (channels)

我正面临着按顺序排列的问题。 谁能帮助我如何实现秩序?

package main

import (

type firstSecondThird struct {
    n int

var (
    wg     sync.WaitGroup
    first  chan bool
    second chan bool
    third  chan bool

func init() {
    first = make(chan bool)
    second = make(chan bool)
    // third = make(chan bool)

func (fn firstSecondThird) first() {
    defer wg.Done()
    for i := 0; i < fn.n; i++ {
        first <- true

func (fn firstSecondThird) second() {
    defer wg.Done()
    for i := 0; i < fn.n; i++ {
        second <- true

func (fn firstSecondThird) third() {
    defer wg.Done()
    for i := 0; i < fn.n; i++ {
        // third <- true

func main() {
    firstSecondThird := firstSecondThird{
        n: 4,
    go firstSecondThird.first()
    go firstSecondThird.second()
    go firstSecondThird.third()
    // <-third



你们正在努力利用并非易事的渠道协调处决的次序。 观察n processes:

  • for k>1, printing of k should happen after printing of k-1
  • for k=1, printing of k should happen after printing of n


 for i := 0; i < fn.n; i++ {
        if k==0 {
        } else {
        if k==fn.f-1 {
        } else {
package main

import (

type firstSecondThird struct {
    n int

var (
    wg     sync.WaitGroup
    first  chan bool
    second chan bool
    third  chan bool

func init() {
    first = make(chan bool)
    second = make(chan bool)
    third = make(chan bool)

func (fn firstSecondThird) first() {
    for i := 0; i < fn.n; i++ {
        first <- true
    defer wg.Done()

func (fn firstSecondThird) second() {
    for i := 0; i < fn.n; i++ {
        second <- true
    defer wg.Done()

func (fn firstSecondThird) third() {
    for i := 0; i < fn.n; i++ {
        third <- true
    defer wg.Done()

func main() {
    firstSecondThird := firstSecondThird{
        n: 4,
    go firstSecondThird.first()
    go firstSecondThird.second()
    go firstSecondThird.third()

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