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C# multi-key dictionary and TryGetValue
原标题:C# multi-key dictionary and TryGetValue

试图用2个钥匙做一个词典,因为它似乎比制造2个具有同样价值的字典好。 我想得到两个钥匙中一个的价值,即如果两个钥匙中有1个符合标准,它就会收回价值。 我还认为,我可以增加2个具有不同关键因素的内容,但对于一个字典来说,同样价值。

我是这样说的,但我想知道,这样做是否更加有效。 或者如果在不使用多基字典的情况下获得我所希望的东西还有另一种更好的途径

    public bool TryGetValue(out TValue value, TKey1 key1 = default, TKey2 key2 = default)
        value = default;

        if (EqualityComparer<TKey1>.Default.Equals(key1, default) && EqualityComparer<TKey2>.Default.Equals(key2, default))
            return false;

        foreach (var pair in this)
            if ((EqualityComparer<TKey1>.Default.Equals(key1, default) || pair.Key.Item1.Equals(key1))
                && (EqualityComparer<TKey2>.Default.Equals(key2, default) || pair.Key.Item2.Equals(key2)))
                value = pair.Value;
                return true;

        return false;






public interface IKey : System.IEquatable<IKey>
public struct Key1 : IKey
    public int Value;
    public Key1(int value)
        Value = value;
    public override int GetHashCode()
        // !! return adequate hashcode
        return Value.GetHashCode();
    public bool Equals(IKey other)
        // !! return adequate equals
        return Value.Equals(((Key1)other).Value);
    public override string ToString()
        return Value.ToString();
public struct Key2 : IKey
    public string Value;
    public Key2(string value)
        Value = value;
    public override int GetHashCode()
        // !! return adequate hashcode
        return Value.GetHashCode();
    public bool Equals(IKey other)
        // !! return adequate equals
        return Value.Equals(((Key2)other).Value,
    public override string ToString()
        return Value;
public class DictionaryIKey<TValue> :
    System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<IKey, TValue>
    public void Add(int key, TValue value)
        Add(new Key1(key), value);
    public void Add(string key, TValue value)
        Add(new Key2(key), value);

    public bool TryGetValue(int key, out TValue value)
        return TryGetValue(new Key1(key), out value);
    public bool TryGetValue(string key, out TValue value)
        return TryGetValue(new Key2(key), out value);

public static void Run()
    DictionaryIKey<string> dict = new DictionaryIKey<string>(3);

    string value = "123456, John, Duus";

    // add object to dictionary, and this object is accessible
    // by keys of different types

    dict.Add(123456, value);
    dict.Add("John", value);
    dict.Add("Duus", value);

    string _out;
    dict.TryGetValue(123456, out _out);
    dict.TryGetValue("John", out _out);
    dict.TryGetValue("Duus", out _out);

    dict.TryGetValue(111000, out _out);
    dict.TryGetValue("no??", out _out);

    // output:
    // 123456, John, Duus
    // 123456, John, Duus
    // 123456, John, Duus
    // <empty>
    // <empty>

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