English 中文(简体)
2. 最后一刻树的开端,即刻可以借贷
原标题:Mutably borrowing last initialized node of a tree

I am trying to lazy-initialize a simple tree on first access of a node.


struct Tree {
    true_branch: Option<Box<Tree>>,
    false_branch: Option<Box<Tree>>,

为了在第一次进入时实现zy化,我谨回馈一个<条码>;Result<&mut soil, &mut Religion>, 即:<条码>,(requested_node),条件是:噪音已经启动或。 Err(last_ initialized_on_the_path_to_requested_node)

如果用<代码>get_mut对工程进行罚款,但我无法获得<代码>Result版本,get_last_ initialized_

impl Tree {
    fn get_mut(&mut self, mut directions: impl Iterator<Item = bool>) -> Option<&mut Self> {
        let mut current = self;
        loop {
            match directions.next() {
                None => break,
                Some(true) => {
                    current = current.true_branch.as_deref_mut()?;
                Some(false) => {
                    current = current.false_branch.as_deref_mut()?;
    /// This does not compile
    fn get_last_initialized_mut(&mut self, mut directions: impl Iterator<Item = bool>) -> Result<&mut Self, &mut Self> {
        let mut current = self;
        loop {
            match directions.next() {
                None => break,
                Some(true) => {
                    let next = current.true_branch.as_deref_mut();
                    if next.is_none() {
                        return Err(current);
                    } else {
                        current = next.unwrap();
                Some(false) => {
                    let next = current.false_branch.as_deref_mut();
                    if next.is_none() {
                        return Err(current);
                    } else {
                        current = next.unwrap();

The error:

error[E0499]: cannot borrow `*current` as mutable more than once at a time
  --> src/lib.rs:36:36
27 |     fn get_last_initialized_mut(&mut self, mut directions: impl Iterator<Item = bool>) -> Result<&mut Self, &mut Self> {
   |                                 - let s call the lifetime of this reference ` 1`
33 |                     let next = current.true_branch.as_deref_mut();
   |                                ---------------------------------- first mutable borrow occurs here
36 |                         return Err(current);
   |                                    ^^^^^^^ second mutable borrow occurs here
52 |         Ok(current)
   |         ----------- returning this value requires that `current.true_branch` is borrowed for ` 1`


我尝试用um子打碎,根据破碎类型返回 lo门外,放弃变量。 他们都没有工作。



在您的原始方案的每一部分,next的有效期为 当前

let next = current.true_branch.as_deref_mut();
// borrow starts
if next.is_none() {
    return Err(current);
} else {
    current = next.unwrap();
// borrow ends


if let Some(ref mut next) = current.true_branch {
    // borrow of `current` only spans in this block
} else {
    // current is NOT borrowed here
    return Err(current);

现在,<代码>现成的借款只在<代码>的真正分行上限。 在else Branch, Current上,NOT借款。 这意味着我们可以安全返回<条码>目前,载于<条码>。

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