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原标题:pytest assert for pyspark dataframe comparison

我有2个星座,如所附档案所示。 预计_df和实际_df




expected = map(lambda row: row.asDict(), expected_df.collect()) 
actual = map(lambda row: row.asDict(), actaual_df.collect()) 
assert expected = actual 

Since both dfs are same but row order is different so assert fails here. What is best way to compare such dfs.


页: 1


This is inspired by the panadas testing module build for pyspark.


from pyspark_test import assert_pyspark_df_equal

assert_pyspark_df_equal(df_1, df_2)



  1. The datatypes in pandas and pysaprk are bit different, thats why directly converting to .toPandas and using panadas testing module might not be the right approach.
  2. This package is for unit/integration testing, so meant to be used with small size dfs


assertated (expected_df.()) = 分类(actaual_df.(())


from pyspark.sql import DataFrame
import pyspark.sql.functions as F

def hash_df(df):
    """Hashes a DataFrame for comparison.

        df (DataFrame): A dataframe to generate a hash from

        int: Summed value of hashed rows of an input DataFrame
    # Hash every row into a new hash column
    df = df.withColumn( hash_value , F.hash(*sorted(df.columns))).select( hash_value )

    # Sum the hashes, see https://shortest.link/28YE
    value = df.agg(F.sum( hash_value )).collect()[0][0]

    return value

expected_hash = hash_df(expected_df)
actual_hash = hash_df(actual_df)
assert expected_hash == actual_hash

Unfortunately this cannot be done without applying sort on any of the columns(specially on the key column), reason being there isn t any guarantee for ordering of records in a DataFrame . You cannot predict the order in which the records are going to appear in the dataframe. The below approach works fine for me:

expected = expected_df.orderBy( period_start_time ).collect()
actual = actaual_df.orderBy( period_start_time ).collect() 
assert expected == actual

如果增设一个图书馆,例如<代码>pysstart_test是一个问题,你可尝试用同一栏对两个数据组进行分类,将其转换成像样,并使用pd.testing.assert_frame_ Equal


For example:

sort_cols = actual_df.columns



from chispa.dataframe_comparer import assert_df_equality

assert_df_equality(actual_df, expected_df, ignore_row_order=True)

你也可以无视一栏命令,提出其他论点。 这里是快速审查功能签名。



I have two Dataframes with the same order. Comparing this two I use:

def test_df(df1, df2):
    assert df1.values.tolist() == df2.values.tolist()

try to have "==" instead of "=". assert expected == actual

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