English 中文(简体)
SC 选择性声明
原标题:SQL Select Statement Parser not returning JOIN type

I want to parse through a SQL Select Statement that has all the features a normal SQL dialect like MySQL has too. I looked for parsing libraries in python but couldn t find one that is doing the job. By that I mean I found some parsing libraries, but they were only able to parse through basic select statements (FROM and WHERE, not even ORDER BY). So as alternative I made my own parser (which I know is not a great solution at all). I spent a few hours working on it, but I keep getting an weird error and don t know how to approach it. Before I show the code I just want to mention that if you know a python library that is able to parse through SQL statements, not just SELECT but also CREATE TABLE, INSERT, etc., let me know.


select_grammar = """
    start: select_statement ";"

    select_statement: "SELECT" column_list "FROM" table_list join_list? where_clause? groupby_clause? having_clause? orderby_clause?

    column_list: "*" | column_expr ("," column_expr)*

    column_expr: function_call | column_name | subquery
    column_name: (table_name ".")? NAME ("AS" NAME)?
    table_name: NAME ("AS" NAME)?

    function_call: NAME "(" function_args ")" ("AS" NAME)?

    function_args: expression ("," expression)*

    where_clause: "WHERE" condition

    groupby_clause: "GROUP BY" column_expr ("," column_expr)*

    having_clause: "HAVING" logical_expr

    orderby_clause: "ORDER BY" order_column ("," order_column)*

    order_column: column_expr ["ASC" | "DESC"]?

    condition: logical_expr

    logical_expr: logical_term
                | logical_expr "AND" logical_term
                | logical_expr "OR" logical_term
                | "NOT" logical_term

    logical_term: comparison_expr
                | "(" logical_expr ")"
                | subquery

    comparison_expr: expression OPERATOR expression
                    | expression "IS" ("NULL" | "NOT NULL")

    expression: (table_name ".")? NAME | INT | string | function_call | subquery

    table_list: table_name ("," table_name)* | subquery

    subquery: "(" select_statement ")"

    join_list: join_expr+

    join_expr: join_type (table_name | subquery) "ON" condition

    join_type: "INNER JOIN" | "LEFT JOIN" | "RIGHT JOIN" | "FULL JOIN"

    string: ESCAPED_STRING | / [^ ]* /

    OPERATOR: ">" | "<" | ">=" | "<=" | "=" | "!="

    %import common.CNAME -> NAME
    %import common.INT
    %import common.ESCAPED_STRING
    %import common.WS
    %ignore WS


class SelectTransformer(Transformer):
    def start(self, *args):
        print("start result: ", args)
        return Tree("SELECT statement", args)

    def column_list(self, *args):
        return args

    def column_expr(self, *args):
        return args[0] if len(args) == 1 else args

    def function_call(self, name, args, alias=None):
        return (name, args, alias)

    def subquery(self, value):
        print("Subquery:", value)

    def where_clause(self, condition=None):
        return condition

    def groupby_clause(self, *args):
        return args

    def having_clause(self, condition=None):
        return condition

    def orderby_clause(self, *args):
        return args

    def order_column(self, *args):
        return args

    def condition(self, *args):
        return args

    def logical_expr(self, *args):
        return args

    def logical_term(self, *args):
        return args

    def comparison_expr(self, *args):
        return args

    def expression(self, *args):
        return args[0] if len(args) == 1 else args

    def column_name(self, *args):
        if len(args) == 1:
            return args[0]  # No alias present
        elif len(args) == 3:
            return args[0], args[2]  # Alias present, return a tuple
            return args

    def table_list(self, *args):
        return args

    def join_list(self, *args):
        return args

    def join_expr(self, *args):
        return args

    def join_type(self, *args):
        return args

    def subquery(self, *args):
        return args

    def string(self, value):
        return value.strip(" ")

    def table_name(self, *args):
        if len(args) == 1:
            return args[0]  # No alias present
        elif len(args) == 3:
            return args[0], args[2]  # Alias present, return a tuple
            return args

我不知道这是否很重要,我也创造了一个小的功能,显示最后一 tree:

def format_ast(ast, level=0):
    result = ""
    indent = "  " * level

    if isinstance(ast, tuple):
        for item in ast:
            result += format_ast(item, level + 1)
    elif isinstance(ast, Token):
        result += f"{indent}{ast.type}, Token( {ast.value} )
    elif isinstance(ast, Tree):
        result += f"{indent}Tree({ast.data}), [
        for child in ast.children:
            result += format_ast(child, level + 1)
        result += f"{indent}]
        result += f"{indent}{ast}

    return result


sql_query =  SELECT   
         name AS alias,   
         COUNT(age) AS age_alias,   
         (SELECT department_name FROM departments WHERE department_id = employees.department_id)   
         FROM employees AS emp, department   
         INNER JOIN departments AS dep ON employees.department_id = departments.id   
         LEFT JOIN other_table AS ot ON other_table.id = employees.table_id   
         WHERE age > 25   
         GROUP BY age, name   
         HAVING COUNT(age) > 1   
         ORDER BY name ASC, age DESC; 


parser = Lark(select_with_joins_grammar, parser= lalr , transformer=SelectTransformer())
tree = parser.parse(sql_query)

# Print the custom export format

The problem is related to the method join_type() of my class SelectTransformer. Somehow *args is always empty, although it should theoretically contain (like defined in the rule) "INNER JOIN" or "LEFT JOIN" or "RIGHT JOIN" or "FULL JOIN". My output looks like this:

  Tree(SELECT statement), [
  Tree(select_statement), [
        NAME, Token( name )
        NAME, Token( alias )
        NAME, Token( COUNT )
        Tree(function_args), [
          NAME, Token( age )
        NAME, Token( age_alias )
        Tree(select_statement), [
            NAME, Token( department_name )
            NAME, Token( departments )
                  NAME, Token( department_id )
                  OPERATOR, Token( = )
                    NAME, Token( employees )
                    NAME, Token( department_id )
        NAME, Token( employees )
        NAME, Token( emp )
      NAME, Token( department )
          NAME, Token( departments )
          NAME, Token( dep )
                  NAME, Token( employees )
                  NAME, Token( department_id )
                OPERATOR, Token( = )
                  NAME, Token( departments )
                  NAME, Token( id )
          NAME, Token( other_table )
          NAME, Token( ot )
                  NAME, Token( other_table )
                  NAME, Token( id )
                OPERATOR, Token( = )
                  NAME, Token( employees )
                  NAME, Token( table_id )
            NAME, Token( age )
            OPERATOR, Token( > )
            INT, Token( 25 )
      NAME, Token( age )
      NAME, Token( name )
            NAME, Token( COUNT )
            Tree(function_args), [
              NAME, Token( age )
          OPERATOR, Token( > )
          INT, Token( 1 )
        NAME, Token( name )
        NAME, Token( age )

As you can see, no join type is displayed. I am relatively new to parsing so I don t really know what to try.


答案是这种情况。 图表界定了> > <>>>和terminals/em>的组合。 规则中的案件名称较低,而终点站有上个位名称。 似乎只有终端站能够捕获其对应的标语。 (这可能是一种更为正式的方式来表明这一点,但对于这次讨论来说,这足够准确。)

So instead of:

    join_expr: join_type (table_name | subquery) "ON" condition

    join_type : "INNER JOIN" | "LEFT JOIN" | "RIGHT JOIN" | "FULL JOIN"
    join_expr: JOIN_TYPE (table_name | subquery) "ON" condition


这将产生一种结果,包括JOIN_TYPE, Token( INNER JOIN >

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