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原标题:Is there any balance condition for the rope?

我刚刚读到Rope的文章,并且没有发现任何ope余额。 这是否意味着,任何带短str的双龙树都是一种ope?



是的。 视执行情况,can<>>m> 应为平衡战略,但绝不必要。



The original rope paper does mention a rebalancing strategy which is based on Fibonacci numbers. "Ropes: an Alternative to Strings", by Boehm, Atkinson, and Plass, in SOFTWARE--PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE, VOL. 25(12), 1315–1330 (DECEMBER 1995)

我同意,许多申请只使用几个节点,这意味着它们在不必担心重新平衡的情况下利用绳索。 但是,如果在图书馆里提供红树,那就必然需要保持树木平衡,因为它不知道申请要求。 See the BigList implementation in the PowerCollection Library from Wintellect for reference:

https://github.com/timdetering/Wintellect.Col Powerlections/blob/master/Source/PowerCollections/BigList.cs”rel=“nofollow noreferer”>https://github.com/timdetering/Wintellect.PowerCollections/blob/master/Source/Caplections/BigList.cs

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