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在操作过程中使用无证 h吗?
原标题:Using undocumented hook possible within runs?
  • 时间:2024-01-03 22:48:33
  •  标签:
  • karate

I see that there is a afterstep function within the hooks code, but when I try to utilize it within karate.configure, I get an error.

* karate.configure( afterStep , function(){ karate.call( classpath:adapters/splunklink-updated.feature ); })
js failed:
01: karate.configure( afterStep , function(){ karate.call( classpath:adapters/splunklink-updated.feature ); })
org.graalvm.polyglot.PolyglotException: unexpected  configure  key:  afterStep 
- com.intuit.karate.core.Config.configure(Config.java:334)
- com.intuit.karate.core.ScenarioEngine.configure(ScenarioEngine.java:348)
- com.intuit.karate.core.ScenarioBridge.configure(ScenarioBridge.java:300)
- <js>.:program(Unnamed:1)

Other hooks we would like to use as well

    default void beforeSuite(Suite suite) {


    default void afterSuite(Suite suite) {

    default boolean beforeStep(Step step, ScenarioRuntime sr) {
        return true;

    default void afterStep(StepResult result, ScenarioRuntime sr) {

    default void beforeHttpCall(HttpRequest request, ScenarioRuntime sr) {
    default void afterHttpCall(HttpRequest request, Response response, ScenarioRuntime sr) {

无<编码> 页: 1 也许,你会将此与RuntimeHook混为一谈。

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