- There are N houses in a street. Every house s garden can have only 1 out of 3 colors of flower planted.
- There is a list (in a file) which consists of price for every color of flower for every property and it looks something like that:
9 2 7
5 8 3
4 7 8
3 5 2
- Every row represents one house and every column one color. (lets say White, Yellow, Red) What I have to do is to find a cheapest way to plant flowers in this neighborhood, but if a 1 house has certain color planted then the houses next to it cant plant that color. So for set of 4 houses:
housescolors w y r
H1 5 6 7
H2 3 7 9
H3 6 7 3
H4 1 8 4
包括该规则在内的最廉价方式是:6+3+1 = 13. 因此,颜色是黄色、白、红、白。
因此,我已经找到了解决这一问题的办法,使用惯用器及其产品。 我刚刚提出了一份清单,列出所有可能性,即第纳尔第一组[1,2,3],并排除了每组有2个相同相邻数字的人,然后,我就对每一种组合适用价格,并找到最廉价的价格。 但是,随着这一解决办法的扩大,N(可能好像,20) 其速度非常缓慢,甚至可能因为记忆错误而坠毁。 因此,我 m问是否有更快的解决办法。 另外,如果任何人对问题有任何疑问,请他们问他们,那么我毛派的english夫可能对此问题作坏解释。
Edit - the code I have right now:
import itertools
file = open( domy.txt )
ceny = file.readlines()
for x in range(len(ceny)):
ceny[x] = ceny[x][0:-1]
n = len(ceny)
domy = [[0]*3]*n
for x in range(n):
test = ceny[x].split( )
test = list(itertools.product([1, 2, 3], repeat=n))
i = 0
while i < len(test):
t = 0
while t < len(test[t])-1:
if test[i][t] == test[i][t+1]:
i -= 1
t += 1
i += 1
index = 0
i = 0
minimum = 0
while i < len(test):
suma = 0
if i == 0:
j = 0
for x in test[i]:
if x == 1:
suma += int(ceny[j][0])
elif x == 2:
suma += int(ceny[j][2])
elif x == 3:
suma += int(ceny[j][4])
j += 1
index = i
minimum = suma
j = 0
for x in test[i]:
if x == 1:
suma += int(ceny[j][0])
elif x == 2:
suma += int(ceny[j][2])
elif x == 3:
suma += int(ceny[j][4])
j += 1
if suma < minimum:
minimum = suma
index = i
i += 1