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ERR_SSL_KEY_USAGE_INCOMPATIBLE 页: 1 该网站可能暂时关闭,或永久转移到新网站。
原标题:ERR_SSL_KEY_USAGE_INCOMPATIBLE error Google Chrome—This site can t be reached might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web


This site can t be reached
The webpage at https://... might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.


为什么发生这种情况? 我如何解决这一问题?


Based on the tags you have provided, this SSL error is occurring on the Google Chrome browser and involves IIS (Internet Information Services) and SSL certificates.
The ERR_SSL_KEY_USAGE_INCOMPATIBLE error specifically suggests there is a problem with how the SSL certificate is being used or is recognized by Chrome, potentially due to a misconfiguration in IIS or an issue with the certificate itself.

Thethread reports a similar issue:

我们找到了解决办法。 删除<代码>C:用户(用户名称)AppData Local GramChromeUser Data Local State上的用户国家档案。 在删除之后,问题消失了。 让我知道,这是否对你有利。

EDIT:MacOS也证实了这一点。 查阅<代码>Library/Application Support/谷歌/代码>/并删除 Local State文档。


问题的根源是 Chrome变,你可在 Chrome发布说明中更多地读到第115、116和117版,可在

查阅“RSA证书与当地根基的链条的关键使用延伸要求X.509”的说明,改为蓝布 谷歌介绍了这一变化。

没有任何旗帜可以调整,以恢复这种变化,但 Chrome提供了以下政策:>RSAKeyUsageFor LocalAnchorsEnabled,以便在你更新证书时暂时取消这种变化。

确切地说,它做了些什么,为什么赢得 Chrome security的 security。

在 Chrome用户数据目录中删除 当地国家 文档,是一个难解的步骤。

所述。 Giovanni Esposito , 评论:“仅进行(易于)的工作,因为每次都需要这样做。”

确实。 向ERR_SSL_KEY_USAGE_INCOMPATIBLE错误提供的实际解决办法是更新SSL证书,并按 Chrome的要求进行适当的关键用途推广。 利用RSAKeyUsageFor LocalAnchorsEnabled 政策只提供一种退款,允许在证书达到标准时继续作业。

What deleting the Local State file does:

Chrome runs experiments called variations , which are essentially A/B tests for new features or changes. Deleting the Local State file resets these variations to their default state.
The Local State file holds temporary state information for Chrome, including some settings and states that are not exposed through the standard settings interface.
If the file becomes corrupted, it can cause errors. Deleting it forces Chrome to create a new Local State file, which can resolve such errors.

Why it will not compromise security:

The Local State file is not directly linked to your personal browsing data such as history, bookmarks, or saved passwords. It contains information about the state of the browser, but does not store sensitive information like personal identifiers or encryption keys.
And Chrome will regenerate the Local State file upon the next launch anyway, restoring the default state without the variations that might be causing issues.

关于<代码> RSAKeyUsage for LocalAnchorsEnabled policy:

行政管理人员可采用的政策,以审查今后释放的行为,从而在违约时进行核查。 届时,这一政策将暂时提供给需要更多时间更新的管理人员。

Connections which fail this check will fail with the error ERR_SSL_KEY_USAGE_INCOMPATIBLE. Sites which fail with this error likely have a misconfigured certificate.
Modern ECDHE_RSA cipher suites use the "digitalSignature" key usage option, while legacy RSA decryption cipher suites use the "keyEncipherment" key usage option. If unsure, administrators should include both in RSA certificates meant for HTTPS.

   true = Enable RSA key usage checking
   false = Disable RSA key usage checking
   not set = Use the default setting for RSA key usage checking

The same thread includes the actual soution:

We had the same problem, the solution is to create a new self-signed certificate that has or is created with key usage: "Digital Signature, Certificate Signing, Off-line CRL Signing, CRL Signing (86)", after that all our internal sites are working now even in Chrome.
You should create it with that usage key, and it should be from OpenSSL, v3 version.



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