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How can I protect ASP.NET sites behind a Windows password and forms authentication?

I m developing an ASP.NET MVC site that utilizes forms authentication for part of the application. During development, I need to be able to give external parties access to a development server hosting the site. Since I don t want to expose the site to the entire internet, I need to password protect it while still allowing forms authentication to be in use.

Mixing of Windows and forms authentication doesn t work. Is there a standard way of doing this? I would have to think this is a common scenario. The article on MSDN doesn t seem to apply to my situation: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms972958.aspx

Update: The first two answers suggest adding in standard IIS basic/digest authentication. As far as I know, this is not compatible with forms authentication because the user s identity will be set to the Windows account, not the identity used through forms authentication. I need the two to be completely independent. Any thoughts?


You could protect it in IIS, give those details to the external parties, and leave the forms auth as it is.

Disable anonomous access to force the users to login via a windows account before accessing the site.

I knew a guy who did this using Apache and a reverse proxy.


Well unfortunately what you re trying to do is not possible in IIS7 (integrated mode), but there is a workaround. I suggest you to read this article written by Mike Volodarsky a former program manager for IIS7 at Microsoft. Article addresses your problem and there is even a sample code you could use.

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