English 中文(简体)
原标题:Price column object to int in pandas

我有一个一栏,有类似价值:3 092.44美元。 当我做什么时,dataframe.dtypes(>)将本栏作为物体,如何将该栏改为t型?


in regex D means not digit... so we can use pd.Series.str.replace

dataframe.amount.replace( D ,   , regex=True).astype(int)

0    309244
1    309244
Name: amount, dtype: int64

http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/生成/pandas.Series.replace.html” rel=“noreferer”>Series.replace or


car_sales["Price"] = car_sales["Price"].str.replace( [$,]|.d* ,   ).astype(int)
dataframe["amount"] = dataframe["amount"].str.replace( [$,.] ,   ).astype(int)
        Make     Colour    Odometer (KM)        Doors              Price
0       Toyota   White     150043                4                 $4,000.00
1       Honda    Red       87899                 4                 $5,000.00
2       Toyota   Blue      32549                 3                 $7,000.00
3       BMW      Black     11179                 5                 $22,000.00
4       Nissan   White     213095                4                 $3,500.00
5       Toyota   Green     99213                 4                 $4,500.00
6       Honda    Blue      45698                 4                 $7,500.00
7       Honda    Blue      54738                 4                 $7,000.00
8       Toyota   White     60000                 4                 $6,250.00
9       Nissan   White     31600                 4                 $9,700.00
output-dtype( O )

car_sales["Price"]=car_sales["Price"].str.replace( [$,.] ,   ).astype(int)


0     400000
1     500000
2     700000
3    2200000
4     350000
5     450000
6     750000
7     700000
8     625000
9     970000
Name: Price, dtype: int32


cars["amount"] = cars["amount"].str.replace("$" , "").str.replace("," , "").astype("float").astype("int")
  1. First you remove the dollar sign
  2. Next you remove the comma
  3. Then you convert the column to float. If you try to convert the column straight to integer, you will get the following error: Can only use .str accessor with string values!
  4. Finally you convert the column to integer

页: 1

dataframe[ amount ] = dataframe.amount.str.replace( $|.|, ,   ).astype(int)


car_sales["Price"] = car_sales["Price"].replace( [$,] ,   ).astype(str)


0     400000
1     500000
2     700000
3    2200000
4     350000
5     450000
6     750000
7     700000
8     625000
9     970000
Name: Price, dtype: object


df[ amount ] = df[ amount ].astype(np.int)


#assuming you re reading from a file
pd.read_csv(file_name, dtype={ amount :np.int32})


这应当简单易懂,仅用“$, commas(,)和 decimals(. dots)替换成零件()并删除多余零件。

your_column_name = your_column_name.str.replace( [$,]|.d* ,   ).astype(int)


dollarizer = lambda x: float(x[1:-1])
dataframe.amount = dataframe.amount.apply(dollarizer)

为了避免在将物体转换为暗中时添加ZEROs,请将物体(3 092.440美元)改为使用以下代码浮动:


your_dataframe["your_column_name"] = your_dataframe["your_column_name"].str.replace( [$,] ,   ).astype(float)


car_sales["Price"] = car_sales["Price"].replace( [$,] ,   ).astype(float)


dataframe["amount"] = dataframe["amount"].str.replace( [$,.]|..$ ,  ,regex=True).astype(int)

in str.replace(...)

[$,.] mean find $ , .
| mean or

..$ mean find any last 2 character

so  [$,.]|..$  mean find $ , . or any last 2 character
export_car_sales["Price"] = export_car_sales["Price"].replace( [$,.] ,   , regex=True).astype(int)


car_sales["Price"] = car_sales["Price"].str.replace( [$,]|.d* ,   ).astype(int)


car_sales["Price"]=car_sales["Price"].apply(lambda x: x/100)

In the above code we have to use float instead of integer so that the cent value would be remain as cents.

df[ Price ] = df[ Price ].str.replace( [$,] ,  ).astype(float)

This worked for me

car_sales = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mrdbourke/zero-to-mastery-ml/master/data/car-sales.csv")
car_sales["Price"] = car_sales["Price"].replace("[$,.]", "", regex=True).map(lambda x: str(x)[:-2]).astype(int)
car_sales["Price"] = car_sales["Price"].replace( [$,] ,   , regex=True).astype(float)

There are two ways to solve this problem, using or not using regex, which is a parameter that specifies whether or not you will use a regular expression, in our case ("[$,.]"). In the first case you will not use regex, which makes the code a little more verbose:

data_frame[ Price ] = data_frame[ Price ].str.replace( $ ,   ).str.replace( , ,   ).str.replace( . ,   )

data_frame["Price"] = data_frame["Price"].astype(int)


data_frame["Price"] = data_frame["Price"].str.replace( [$,.] ,   , regex=True).astype(int)
汽车["Price"] = 汽车["Price"].replace( [$,] ,   , regex=True).astype(float).astype(int)


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