English 中文(简体)
原标题:get data by linq but have Error when doit this


使用(t => (((衍生)t)。 MyProperty 或作为经营人(t =>); (t as Derived)。 MyProperty 。 可以通过堆肥场、骑自行车、骑自行车、天空或步行等进行过滤。 关于列入相关数据的更多信息,见

this my code

enter image description here

https://i.stack.imgur.com/MHh4w.png” rel=“nofollow noreferer”>。

https://i.stack.imgur.com/LE1A.png” rel=“nofollow noreferer”>。

i 想要获得雇员姓名


TBEmployee Pc > TB Employee > EmployeeName(希望获得“EmployeeName”)



TBEmployeePc > TBEmployee > EmployeeName (i want get this "EmployeeName")


var pc=Octx.TBEmployeePc.Include(x=>x.TBEmployee).ToList();
var namelist = pc.Select(o => o.TBEmployee.Select(c => c.EmployeeName)).ToList();

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