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原标题:How to re move "This accessibility bypass should be removed." by using Reflect


public static <T> T mergeObjects(T draft, T existing)
      throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, NoSuchMethodException,
          InvocationTargetException {
    Class<?> clazz = draft.getClass();
    Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();
    Object returnValue = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
    for (Field field : fields) {
      Object draftValue = field.get(draft);
      Object existingValue = field.get(existing);
      if (Objects.equals(existingValue, draftValue)) field.set(returnValue, existingValue);
      else field.set(returnValue, draftValue);
    return (T) returnValue;

但是,它给定点的幼 the问题。

  1. field.setAccessible(true);
  2. if (Objects.equals(existingValue, draftValue)) field.set(returnValue, existingValue);
  3. else field.set(returnValue, draftValue);

I have tried many things but not working. Can anyone know hoe to resolve it, please tell me.

  • If you just want to remove the lint issue, you can use org.springframework.util.ReflectionUtils.makeAccessible(field); and ReflectionUtils.setField(field,target,value)
  • example code:
ReflectionUtils.makeAccessible(field);//no sonar lint issue
  • Warning:this solution didn t solve any potential issue, because the code in makeAccessible also use the field.setAccessible(true); with some check if statement, just use a static util method to get around the sonar check. If you care about the potential issue, pls check the "useful link" in below.
  • ReflectionUtils.makeAccessible code:
    public static void makeAccessible(Field field) {
        if ((!Modifier.isPublic(field.getModifiers()) || !Modifier.isPublic(field.getDeclaringClass().getModifiers()) || Modifier.isFinal(field.getModifiers())) && !field.isAccessible()) {
  • useful link:
  1. is-field-setaccessibletrue-bad-practice
  2. java-reflection-impact-of-setaccessibletrue
  3. SEC05 wiki

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