English 中文(简体)
页: 1 • 如何验证用户对服务器的投入
原标题:socket.io -- how to validate user input with server

I am trying to prompt user for input on the client, then check if the input is valid on the server. If the input is invalid the client should re-prompt until it receives a valid input. Only once the input is valid should anything else proceed.


    temp_name = prompt(usr + err_msg + pmsg, "");
    socket.emit("is_valid", temp_name, (response) => {
        looping = !response.status
        err_msg = response.message


// check if username is valid
    socket.on("is_valid", (temp_name, callback) => {
        // init
        let msg = "";
        let stat = false;

        // (check if valid)

        // return
        stat = (msg == "")
        response = {
            status: stat,
            message: msg,

My code works if I remove the while loop in 客户。. But if I add the while loop, nothing works. No log statements print either.





If it is valid, looping = false and it should exit the while loop. If it is invalid, looping = true and it will prompt the user again. Currently all it does it repeatedly prompt the user no matter what is entered. But if I remove the while loop, it works correctly and returns the values I expect.


固定。 解决办法是使用允诺(关于客户,使用书记本,而不是记本)。


Thank you

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