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Clientside going serverside with node.js
  • 时间:2009-12-09 11:45:37
  •  标签:
  • node.js

I`ve been looking for a serverside language for some time, and python got my attention somewhat. But as I already know and love javascript, I now want learn to code on the server with js and node.js.

Now, what books and what subjects do I need to learn to understand the serverside world better?

(let me know if Im to vague)


I m not aware of any printed resources about node.js. Some good places to start are:


The HTTP/1.1 spec is very informative.

Learn python, it ll make you a better node.js programmer because it has good examples for all the networking features.

JavaScript is my favorite language, but I ve spent some time in python and the standard library is really good for learning the basics of sockets, file descriptors, and networking.

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