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原标题:How can I open jupyter in a venv with a shortcut?


virtualenv --python C:PathToPythonpython.exe venv-name
pip install numpy matplotlib jupyter notebook pandas joblib scipy sympy
jupyter notebook

I have done absolutely nothing beyond this other than having Python and virtualenv on my computer. To get into Jupyter notebook, I run lines 2 and 4 of this in Powershell, which works just fine.




根据您对互动动力学会议(第2条和第4条)发行Jupyter Notebook的描述,你需要把短篇文件“>,Windows PowerSh CLI,附上述声明。

一、导 言 Shell create create create create create

# Path to the shortcut file; adjust as needed.
$shortcutFile = "$env:USERPROFILEDesktopJupyter Notebook.lnk"

# Create the shortcut file...
$shortcut = (New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell).CreateShortcut($shortcutFile)

# ... and set its properties.

# Specify the target executable and its arguments.
$shortcut.TargetPath =  powershell.exe  
$shortcut.Arguments =
   -NoExit -Command .venv-nameScriptsactivate; jupyter notebook 

# Specify the working directory.
$shortcut.WorkingDirectory =  %USERPROFILE% 

# Set the window style, if needed.
$shortcut.WindowStyle = 7 # Open the PowerShell console window minimized.


# Test invocation (simulate opening the shortcut interactively)
Invoke-Item $shortcutFile


  • -NoEx使PowerShell会议继续开放,以便你能够检查启动时发生的情况;一旦你核实启动该笔记本的工作是按预期进行的,你可以撤销。

  • <编码>$shortcut.WindowStyle = 7, 开始使用PowerShell sessionminimized (因为你可能不愿看到ole窗。) 因此,如果你想要检查启动时发生的事情,则与<代码>-NoExit相结合,你就不得不通过任务栏激活最小的窗口。

  • 指定为<代码>。

    • 如果您指定mere file name - e.gpowershell.exe,则在这条道路上,即在标准 $env:PATH环境变量上列名的名录中找到。

      • Caveat: If an executable by that name happens to exist in the same directory as the shortcut file, IT is used.
    • 因此,为了充分有力,你可能希望指定一个full path,例如:

      • 2. 采用字面或环境变化的道路,例如:

         .TargetPath = "$env:windirSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0powershell.exe"
      • 或者,通过执行<代码>$env:PATH,在设计时间上看;例如:

         .TargetPath = (Get-Command powershell.exe).Path
  • 启动的流程工作目录按规定如下:

    • http://www.un.org (如典型;通过任务栏或从桌面或从档案探索者那里)

    • 相比之下,在programmatic的援引中,它取决于stationer s workingDirectory,但有一处微妙的区别。

      • with Invoke-Item, it is the the working directory of the caller s process - which typically differs from PowerShell s working directory.
      • with Start-Process, it is the calling the working directory (location) of the calling PowerShell session.
    • 因此,最好在上指定一份工作名录,指定在<代码>上。 工作名录财产。

  • 如以上<代码>.WorkingDirectory sign, 您可使用cmd.exe-type environment-variable reference,例如%USERPROFILE%,并在上同样支持这些参考资料。 TargetPath,.Arguments and .IconLocation nature.

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