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SHAP 对分类栏的解释
原标题:SHAP explanation for categorical column


As for example, I m using the bike sharing dataset from kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/lakshmi25npathi/bike-sharing-dataset)


Is there a way or concept on how to merge back the SHAP value of those one hot encoded feature into single feature? (for example, SHAP value of one hot encoded feature: Weather_Spring, Weather_Summer, Weather_Fall, Weather_Snow back into single column value of Weather)


是:SHAP值是附加值。 因此,你可以增加所有分类元变量的SHAP值,即X美元,以达到其水平的SHAP值。


  • Tree based models usually offer other approaches to deal with categoricals (integer encoding, internal algorithms, internal OHE). There is no need for doing the OHE yourself.
  • For non-tree based models that require OHE, you can pack the preprocessor and the model into a Scikit-Learn pipeline. Then, you also don t have the problem as the SHAP explainer will "see" the original input, not the dummies.


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