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如何在数据表中采用多种条件。 C#
原标题:How to apply multiple conditions in Datatable.Select in C#
  • 时间:2024-01-20 01:32:27
  •  标签:
  • c#
  • asp.net

我想对数据表适用多种条件。 选择我如何能够这样做。

Below is the code that I have:

dvOrg.Table.Select("customer_type_id= 64501 ", "sort_column");

Now I want to apply one more condition covered_patient_type= Inpatient . I tried this but it did not work.

dvOrg.Table.Select("customer_type_id= 64501  and covered_patient_type= Inpatient ", "sort_column");





这一缺陷证明了这一概念,由多个栏目选择,与WHERE条款相似,使用<代码>AND<>/code>,以补充一栏标准。 本《任择议定书》是正确的。


dvOrg.Table.Select("customer_type_id= 64501  and covered_patient_type= Inpatient ", "id DESC");


关于这一数据,我们可以看到,customer_type_id <>/code>是一种隐蔽,但在过滤器中,我们可以期望它是一种扼杀,过滤条件仍然奏效:

[{"id":1623,"customer_type_id":645,"covered_patient_type":"Outpatient","expectation":"filtered out"},
{"id":1624,"customer_type_id":645,"covered_patient_type":"Inpatient","expectation":"filtered out"},
{"id":1625,"customer_type_id":64501,"covered_patient_type":"Outpatient","expectation":"filtered out"},
{"id":1627,"customer_type_id":64501,"covered_patient_type":"Outpatient","expectation":"filtered out"},
{"id":1629,"customer_type_id":64501,"covered_patient_type":"Outpatient","expectation":"filtered out"}] 
Filter By two columns: customer_type_id= 64501  and covered_patient_type= Inpatient 
ID:1628, expectation:selected, customer_type_id:64501, covered_patient_type:Inpatient
ID:1626, expectation:selected, customer_type_id:64501, covered_patient_type:Inpatient

The common scenario where this isn t straight forward are when covered_patient_type is stored as an integer (or some other type where the value is a reference to another list, or enum and you are resolving the visible value in the view.

在这种情形下,如果(> In Hospital” in view is an enum, itto an int, or 如果In Hospital is a vlaue from a relevant table or otherwise unleated list,解决了与t underlying DataTable dataset所用数值相称的点值。

所有这些都很容易解决,将原始数据输入你原来的职位。 但我希望这一思考进程将有助于你自己探讨这些概念。

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