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原标题:Many rg commands started by vscode that consume 99% of CPUs

在一个非常大的阴,中工作的Im, 说其结构类似

├── project-1
│   ├── subproject-a
│   └── subproject-others
└── project-2
    ├── subproject-b
    └── subproject-others

There are many projects, each contains many subprojects. I m just working on one of the subprojects (e.g. subproject-a). When I opened vscode inside the subproject (it s a python subproject), I noticed that it launches many rg commands like below, and my CPU usage goes above 99%. I wonder what these rg commands are about? Are they just searching for stuffs inside the subproject, or the whole git repo, which contains tens of thousands of files? Why do they consume so many resources? How could I avoid that, please?

/Applications/Visualroom Code.app/Contents/Resources/app/node_modules.asar.un Packed/vscode-ripgrep/bin/rg ------------------ ∗∗∗∗。 - 无父母 --—————— 页: 1 www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_french.htm


由此可见,其中有4个有700k多份卷宗的连接点。 这些夹在<代码>/项目-root/.gitginore中通常被忽视。 否则,<条码>即就会忽视搜寻。


我在<代码>/项目-root/project-1/subproject-a/.gitignore上添加了这些夹,现在这些编号<<>rg/code>。 指挥权再也不占用如此之多的资源。



我读到了某个地方(can切地想到的是,扩展自动进口启动这一加固过程)。 我试图否认这一点,我的Mac刚刚恢复正常。 如果你延长任期,可以这样做。

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