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原标题:how to remove characters from a font file?

i ve downloaded the DejaVu open source font and want to use it ad a WebFont, but even when converting it, i get a large file, and because the website i ll use will be only in few languages (arabic, french, amazigh) then, i dont need some characters.

so is there a way to browse the font file and delete the unnecessary range of unicode characters that i ll not need?


FontForge。 您将看到所有现有范围,并可以选择一个统法协会整个编码范围,单独点击。 然后,你可以调整你的甄选,并删除<编码>Encoding->Detach & Remove Glyphs

也可使用<代码>。 Edit ->Select->Select by

为创建一套精细或减缩的精细体的新字体,File ->Generate Fonts...,然后在档案名称栏下选择一个自发文档类型,然后点击Generate

The easiest method I found is to use pyftsubset tool from FontTools. Here s an example:

$ pyftsubset NotoSans-Regular.ttf 

注:woff2 输出要求Brotli

我写下了一个简单的文字,使整个过程自动化,包括在把字体档案分离后生成一个CSS文件。 您可在此查阅:

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