English 中文(简体)
是否除了使用钥匙 v、无代理管道和参数在管道运行期间提供用户投入外,还没有任何区别?
原标题:Is there any way apart from using key vault, agentless pipeline and parameters to provide user input during pipeline runtime in azure?

I m trying to provide user input during pipeline runtime but not able to give it. is there any way I can achieve this in azure pipeline apart from using parameters or using key vault to provide the input during manual validation.





页: 1 管道是非互动的,对可变数值during<>/strong>的管道运行没有任何东西箱。

在“S Richardcotts”的启发下,answer,您可考虑在管道施工过程中利用以下工作方式更新管道图书馆(可变群体)变量的数值。

这里是使用一个变量组的简便的阿YA马管道(job scope)。

- stage: StageA
  - job: Job1
    - group: VG-Job
    - script: echo $(Var1)

  - job: Job2
    dependsOn: Job1
    - group: VG-Job
    - script: echo $(Var1)
  1. Setup the variable group with the name VG-Job; in the variable group, add a variable $(Var1) with the original value ValueXXXXX; enter image description here
  2. Enable Approvals check for this variable group; enter image description here enter image description here
  3. When running the pipeline, it will suspend the execution of StageA to wait for the approval by the approver to use the variable group resource VG-Job; enter image description here
  4. Before approval, the approver may update the value of the variable $(Var1) in this variable group and proceed to approve and resume the pipeline stage; enter image description here
  5. The output value of the variable $(Var1) during the pipeline run will be the updated value ValueYYYYY rather than its original value ValueXXXXX, since the value of a variable in a variable group is processed at runtime; enter image description here


如果管道中的s能够消耗资源(就我们的情况而言,类似变数群体),则检查机制可供资源所有人控制。 作为资源的所有者,如环境(可变群体),你可以确定在<><>之前必须完成的检查。 耗费这一资源可以开始。



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