English 中文(简体)
原标题:Running final function after stopping a loop seems to have a time difference in Python
  • 时间:2024-01-20 08:13:50
  •  标签:
  • python

我正在撰写一份“灰色”文字,其中将显示我在 t子上运行时掌握的数据,因为显示板被打破。 它将在Raspberry Pi上使用GPIO的皮条皮,这样,每当 t子的沥青环绕过面时,它就能够有一只金属片,短片(y子)。 计算速度取决于带的快速度。

This means time is very important here. I ve set up a loop in rev_counter() that gets the time and then when the "button" is pressed, it records the time again. Just to test it while I m writing this program, I ve simulated a button press with sleep(). I set it to 1.27841272276 seconds because this would be the time the belt would go around for a 7:30-minute mile pace. I ve been trying to get it as close to that pace as possible.

我不得不这样做。 在工作过程中显示胎儿时,它正确或可能是二分之一。 问题在于,在我结束工作时,采用了<代码>CTRL+C。 因此,平均微笑速度越快越快。 它应为7:30-7:31,但最终为7:34-7:36。 在我停止<代码>rev_counter ( loop)和在计算<代码>成果(之间,时间会相抵消。 出于某种原因,当我操作<代码>update_display()功能时,在rev_counter(<>/code> 和>上,似乎有所帮助。 能否在这个中间阻止造成问题? 为什么只有<条码>指示/代码>,而不是两个编号<>rev_counter()results()都得不到时间问题?


import math
import os
import time
# from gpiozero import Button
from threading import Thread
from time import sleep

# belt_button = Button(2)

def display(original_time=None, total_distance=None, current_speed=None, prev_rev_time=None):
    os.system( clear )
    print( Current Workout Information )
    print(  )
    if original_time is None:
        print(f Time elapsed: --:--:-- )
        print(  )
        print( Distance )
        print(f Miles: -- )
        print(f Kilometers: -- )
        print(  )
        print( Current Speed )
        print(f M/H: -- )
        print(f KM/H: -- )
        print(  )
        print( Pace )
        print(f Mile: -- )
        print(f Kilometer: -- )
        seconds_elapsed = prev_rev_time - original_time
        time_elapsed = increment(seconds_elapsed)
        mi = total_distance / 5280
        km = total_distance / 3280.84
        mph = current_speed / 1.46667
        kmph = current_speed * 1.09728
        min_mi = 60 / mph
        min_km = 60 / kmph
        mi_pace_min = math.floor(min_mi)
        mi_pace_sec = round((min_mi * 60) % 60)
        if mi_pace_sec < 10:
            mi_pace_sec = f 0{mi_pace_sec} 
        km_pace_min = math.floor(min_km)
        km_pace_sec = round((min_km * 60) % 60)
        if km_pace_sec < 10:
            km_pace_sec = f 0{km_pace_sec} 
        print(f Time elapsed: {time_elapsed} )
        print(  )
        print( Distance )
        print(f Miles: {round(mi, 2)} )
        print(f Kilometers: {round(km, 2)} )
        print(  )
        print( Current Speed )
        print(f M/H: {round(mph, 2)} )
        print(f KM/H: {round(kmph, 2)} )
        print(  )
        print( Pace )
        if current_speed == 0:
            print(f Mile: 0 )
            print(f Kilometer: 0 )
            print(f Mile: {mi_pace_min}:{mi_pace_sec} )
            print(f Kilometer: {km_pace_min}:{km_pace_sec} )

def increment(seconds_elapsed):
    seconds_elapsed = math.floor(seconds_elapsed)
    h = seconds_elapsed // 3600
    m = (seconds_elapsed // 60) % 60
    s = seconds_elapsed % 60
    if h < 10:
        h = f 0{h} 
    if m < 10:
        m = f 0{m} 
    if s < 10:
        s = f 0{s} 
    return f {h}:{m}:{s} 

def rev_counter():
    revolutions = 0
    prev_rev_time = 0
    original_time = time.time()
        while True:
            prev_rev_time = time.time()
            # GPIO stuff
            # sleep(0.25)
            # belt_button.wait_for_press()
            rev_time = time.time()
            revolutions += 1
            update_display(original_time, prev_rev_time, rev_time, revolutions)
            # Alternate code
            # thread = Thread(target=update_display, args=(original_time, prev_rev_time, rev_time, revolutions))
            # thread.start()
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        os.system( clear )
        total_distance = 15 * revolutions
        results(original_time, prev_rev_time, total_distance)

def update_display(original_time, prev_rev_time, rev_time, revolutions):
    # feet * rev count
    # 15 = Length of my treadmill in feet
    total_distance = 15 * revolutions
    # feet / second
    rev_seconds = rev_time - prev_rev_time
    current_speed = 15 / rev_seconds
    display(original_time, total_distance, current_speed, prev_rev_time)

def results(original_time, prev_rev_time, total_distance):
        os.system( clear )
        seconds_elapsed = prev_rev_time - original_time
        time_elapsed = increment(seconds_elapsed)
        print( Workout Results )
        print(  )
        if total_distance == 0:
            print(f Total time: {time_elapsed} )
            print(  )
            print( Distance )
            print(f Miles: 0 )
            print(f Kilometers: 0 )
            print(  )
            print( Average Speed )
            print(f M/H: 0 )
            print(f KM/H: 0 )
            print(  )
            print( Average Pace )
            print(f Mile: 00:00 )
            print(f Kilometer: 00:00 )
            average_speed = total_distance / seconds_elapsed
            mi = total_distance / 5280
            km = total_distance / 3280.84
            mph = average_speed / 1.46667
            kmph = average_speed * 1.09728
            min_mi = 60 / mph
            min_km = 60 / kmph
            mi_pace_min = math.floor(min_mi)
            mi_pace_sec = round((min_mi * 60) % 60)
            if mi_pace_sec < 10:
                mi_pace_sec = f 0{mi_pace_sec} 
            km_pace_min = math.floor(min_km)
            km_pace_sec = round((min_km * 60) % 60)
            if km_pace_sec < 10:
                km_pace_sec = f 0{km_pace_sec} 
            print(f Total time: {time_elapsed} )
            print(  )
            print( Distance )
            print(f Miles: {round(mi, 2)} )
            print(f Kilometers: {round(km, 2)} )
            print(  )
            print( Average Speed )
            print(f M/H: {round(mph, 2)} )
            print(f KM/H: {round(kmph, 2)} )
            print(  )
            print( Average Pace )
            print(f Mile: {mi_pace_min}:{mi_pace_sec} )
            print(f Kilometer: {km_pace_min}:{km_pace_sec} )
        print(  )
        input( Exit  )
        os.system( clear )
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        os.system( clear )

def main():
    os.system( clear )
    while True:
            print( AC Treadmill Workout Program )
            print(  )
            input( Start Workout  )
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print( Quitting...  )

if __name__ ==  __main__ :

在没有任何问题的情况下实施这一方案,如果你改变所有<代码>os.system(明确) Line to os.system(cls )。 还确保把它放在终点站,因为我的电梯(PyCharm)确实允许它甚至在我确定原子辐射环境变数时加以清除。


我最后只使用<代码>Thread,然后才尽其所能。 后来,我会把该方案转换到C++,这样,它就能够取得更好的业绩,并且有全球倡议和各种障碍。


import math
import os
import time
from gpiozero import Button
from threading import Thread
from time import sleep

belt_button = Button(2)

# 15 is the length of my belt in feet
belt_length = 15

def display(original_time=None, total_distance=None, current_speed=None, prev_rev_time=None):
    os.system( clear )
    print( Current Workout Information )
    print(  )
    if original_time is None:
        print(f Time elapsed: --:--:-- )
        print(  )
        print( Distance )
        print(f Miles: -- )
        print(f Kilometers: -- )
        print(  )
        print( Current Speed )
        print(f M/H: -- )
        print(f KM/H: -- )
        print(  )
        print( Pace )
        print(f Mile: -- )
        print(f Kilometer: -- )
        seconds_elapsed = prev_rev_time - original_time
        time_elapsed = increment(seconds_elapsed)
        mi = total_distance / 5280
        km = total_distance / 3280.84
        mph = current_speed / 1.46667
        kmph = current_speed * 1.09728
        min_mi = 60 / mph
        min_km = 60 / kmph
        mi_pace_min = math.floor(min_mi)
        mi_pace_sec = round((min_mi * 60) % 60)
        if mi_pace_sec < 10:
            mi_pace_sec = f 0{mi_pace_sec} 
        km_pace_min = math.floor(min_km)
        km_pace_sec = round((min_km * 60) % 60)
        if km_pace_sec < 10:
            km_pace_sec = f 0{km_pace_sec} 
        print(f Time elapsed: {time_elapsed} )
        print(  )
        print( Distance )
        print(f Miles: {round(mi, 2)} )
        print(f Kilometers: {round(km, 2)} )
        print(  )
        print( Current Speed )
        print(f M/H: {round(mph, 2)} )
        print(f KM/H: {round(kmph, 2)} )
        print(  )
        print( Pace )
        if current_speed == 0:
            print(f Mile: 0 )
            print(f Kilometer: 0 )
            print(f Mile: {mi_pace_min}:{mi_pace_sec} )
            print(f Kilometer: {km_pace_min}:{km_pace_sec} )

def increment(seconds_elapsed):
    seconds_elapsed = math.floor(seconds_elapsed)
    h = seconds_elapsed // 3600
    m = (seconds_elapsed // 60) % 60
    s = seconds_elapsed % 60
    if h < 10:
        h = f 0{h} 
    if m < 10:
        m = f 0{m} 
    if s < 10:
        s = f 0{s} 
    return f {h}:{m}:{s} 

def rev_counter():
    revolutions = 0
    prev_rev_time = 0
    original_time = time.time()
        while True:
            prev_rev_time = time.time()
            rev_time = time.time()
            revolutions += 1
            thread = Thread(target=update_display, args=(original_time, prev_rev_time, rev_time, revolutions))
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        os.system( clear )
        total_distance = belt_length * revolutions
        results(original_time, prev_rev_time, total_distance)

def update_display(original_time, prev_rev_time, rev_time, revolutions):
    # feet * rev count
    # 15 = Length of my treadmill in feet
    total_distance = belt_length * revolutions
    rev_seconds = rev_time - prev_rev_time
    # feet / second
    current_speed = belt_length / rev_seconds
    display(original_time, total_distance, current_speed, prev_rev_time)

def results(original_time, prev_rev_time, total_distance):
        os.system( clear )
        seconds_elapsed = prev_rev_time - original_time
        time_elapsed = increment(seconds_elapsed)
        print( Workout Results )
        print(  )
        if total_distance == 0:
            print(f Total time: {time_elapsed} )
            print(  )
            print( Distance )
            print(f Miles: 0 )
            print(f Kilometers: 0 )
            print(  )
            print( Average Speed )
            print(f M/H: 0 )
            print(f KM/H: 0 )
            print(  )
            print( Average Pace )
            print(f Mile: 00:00 )
            print(f Kilometer: 00:00 )
            average_speed = total_distance / seconds_elapsed
            mi = total_distance / 5280
            km = total_distance / 3280.84
            mph = average_speed / 1.46667
            kmph = average_speed * 1.09728
            min_mi = 60 / mph
            min_km = 60 / kmph
            mi_pace_min = math.floor(min_mi)
            mi_pace_sec = round((min_mi * 60) % 60)
            if mi_pace_sec < 10:
                mi_pace_sec = f 0{mi_pace_sec} 
            km_pace_min = math.floor(min_km)
            km_pace_sec = round((min_km * 60) % 60)
            if km_pace_sec < 10:
                km_pace_sec = f 0{km_pace_sec} 
            print(f Total time: {time_elapsed} )
            print(  )
            print( Distance )
            print(f Miles: {round(mi, 2)} )
            print(f Kilometers: {round(km, 2)} )
            print(  )
            print( Average Speed )
            print(f M/H: {round(mph, 2)} )
            print(f KM/H: {round(kmph, 2)} )
            print(  )
            print( Average Pace )
            print(f Mile: {mi_pace_min}:{mi_pace_sec} )
            print(f Kilometer: {km_pace_min}:{km_pace_sec} )
        print(  )
        input( Exit  )
        os.system( clear )
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        os.system( clear )

def main():
    os.system( clear )
    while True:
            print( ASHER Treadmill Workout Program )
            print(  )
            input( Start Workout  )
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print( Quitting...  )

if __name__ ==  __main__ :


The issue you re experiencing might be related to the fact that when you interrupt the rev_counter() loop with a keyboard interrupt , the KeyboardInterrupt exception is caught, and the results() function is called. However, the update_display() function is not called in the interrupt scenario. To address this, you can modify your code to ensure that update_display() is called before the results() function when a keyboard interrupt occurs. Here s a modified

def rev_counter():
    revolutions = 0
    prev_rev_time = 0
    original_time = time.time()
        while True:
            prev_rev_time = time.time()
            # GPIO stuff
            # sleep(0.25)
            # belt_button.wait_for_press()
            rev_time = time.time()
            revolutions += 1
            update_display(original_time, prev_rev_time, rev_time, revolutions)
            # Alternate code
            # thread = Thread(target=update_display, args=(original_time, prev_rev_time, rev_time, revolutions))
            # thread.start()
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        os.system( clear )
        total_distance = 15 * revolutions
        update_display(original_time, prev_rev_time, rev_time, revolutions)
        results(original_time, prev_rev_time, total_distance)

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